
  • Thursday 15 October '20 show notes

    • More News From the Republican Death Cult...
    • America's true unemployment rate - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • His Great-Grandfather Mato Niyanpi Meeting Gen. Custer, and Recognizing Native American Day... - Mnincoju Lakota Robin Zephier, Attorney & Co-Author (w/his brother Harley Zephier) of Warrior Is...the life story of their great-grandfather, Mnincoju Lakota.
    • What it's Like Voting in Indian Country - Jean Schroedel, Professor of Public Policy-Claremont Graduate University & Author of the new book, Voting in Indian Country: The View From the Trenches (Jean has written or co-edited 6 books).
  • More News From The Republican Death Cult

    Thom plus logo Scientists are projecting 400,000 deaths by the end of the year from coronavirus, although a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that we have already undercounted the total deaths so far by as many as 75,000.

    Meanwhile, we're learning that back in February the Trump administration gave a private briefing to elites at the conservative Hoover Institution, telling them the economy was about to get into big trouble because of the virus. As a result numerous multimillionaires and billionaires made a huge killing, while the American middle class got wiped out.
  • Wednesday 14 October '20 show notes

    • Trump Makes the Case for Medicare For All...
    • Continuing Coverage of the Senate SCOTUS Hearings For Trump's Nominee
    • Thom 's Take and Your Calls...
  • Trump Makes the Case for Medicare for All

    Thom plus logo It's now semi-official. People within the Trump administration have laid it out: the actual coronavirus strategy of the federal government is now herd immunity.

    That will require roughly 70% of America's 340 million people to become infected, a total of 238 million people.
  • Tuesday 13 October '20 show notes

    • Trump & the Republicans Say They Are "Pro Life" But Really Are a Death Cult...
    • Continuing coverage of the Senate hearings for Trump's SCOTUS nominee...
  • Transcript: Sheldon Whitehouse at Senate nomination hearing for Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court - 13 October '20

    Judge Barrett, you can take a bit of a breather on your return to the committee, because what I want to do

    ... is go through with the people who are watching this now, the conversation that you and I had when we spoke on the telephone. You were kind enough to hear out a presentation that I made and I intend to ask some questions in that area. But it doesn't make sense to ask questions if I haven't laid the predicate particularly for viewers who are watching this.

  • Trump & The Republicans Say they Are "Prolife" But Really Are A Death Cult

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump is running around the country encouraging people to congregate and behave in ways that spread the coronavirus, and not a single Republican in Congress is warning their constituents about the dangers.

    How is this different from Jim Jones encouraging his followers to drink cyanide-laced Kool-Aid while his enablers stand by? Isn't it just a matter of severity?
  • Monday 12 October '20 show notes

    • It's time to unpack the court
    • Coverage of and Thom's take on the Senate hearings for Trump's SCOTUS nominee, Amy Coney Barrett...
    • Indigenous People's Day
  • It's Time To Unpack The Court

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump was bragging a week or so ago that Obama had "left me 128 judges to fill" as if Obama was just sloppy. The actual number was 105, but Obama didn't "leave" them; he'd appointed genuinely qualified people, many women and minorities, to fill every single one of those judicial slots, and Mitch McConnell simply blocked them in the senate for the last two years of the Obama presidency.
  • Friday 09 October '20 show notes

    • Anything Goes Friday...What's On Your Mind?
    • Issues of the Day - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)

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