
  • Will America Embrace or Reject Fascism in 2020?

    Thom plus logo Fascists build walls, like they did around East Germany. Donald Trump is building a new, unscalable wall around the White House today, and the Republican party has spent the past four years celebrating a wall on our southern border.

    Fascists divide and imprison people based on ideology and race. Trump and the Republicans have put children in cages after tearing them away from their mothers, and built out a private for-profit prison system to hold refugees of color.
  • Friday 30 October '20 show notes

    • Anything Goes! Should the stimulus go to the workers or the owners - Jefferson Weighs In...
    • Anything Goes - No Stimulus? Republicans Believe You Have to Starve People to Get Them to Work...
    • Science Revolution: Meet the 14 Year Old Climate Activist - Haven Coleman, Haven Coleman, Co-founder & Co-executive Director - US Youth Climate Strike

  • Thursday 29 October '20 show notes

    • Issues of the Day - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, U.S. Congressmember (D-WA, 7th District) & Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus / Senior Whip-Democratic Caucus & serves on multiple committees including the House Budget Committee & the House Judiciary Committee
    • Economic Growth Numbers are Deceiving - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • Was April 7 the Day that Sealed the Fate of America?
    • Does Fukushima Pose a Threat of Damage to Human DNA? - Shaun Burnie, Senior Nuclear Specialist -Greenpeace Germany
    • Healthcare As a Climate Solution...Yes, Really.
  • Was April 7 the Day that Sealed the Fate of America?

    Thom plus logo On April 18, Bob Woodward recorded Jared Kushner saying that Trump had taken control away from the doctors and was going to open the country back up. But why then? What was happening right around that time?

    Trump's official national emergency declaration came on March 13, and most of the country shut down or at least went partway toward that outcome. The economy crashed and millions of Americans were laid off, but saving lives was, after all, the number one consideration.
  • Wednesday 28 October '20 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • The Republican Party Is An Organized Gang of Sociopaths
    • Conversations with Great Minds: The Shadow Network - Anne Nelson, Journalist / Adjunct Associate Professor of International & Public Affairs & Adjunct Research Scholar - Columbia University School of International & Public Affairs (SIPA) / Author of the new book: Shadow Network: Media, Money, and the Secret Hub of the Radical Right, Project Censored Award winner for her work reporting on El Salvador
  • The Republican Party Is An Organized Gang of Sociopaths

    Thom plus logo Trump doesn't care how many people in Omaha were stranded for hours in the freezing cold, over 3 miles from the nearest road or parking lot, after he's left his rally, putting some in the hospital. And he clearly doesn't care how many people die of Covid.

    One of the defining characteristics of a sociopath is that they view themselves as the only "real" humans on the planet, and everybody else is basically a prop in the amazing story of their lives.
  • Tuesday 27 October '20 show notes

    • Democrats Must Prepare for the Supreme Court's Second Try at Installing an Illegitimate President...
    • Bush v. Gore From a Psychoanalytic & Family Dynamic Perspective...and What it May Mean for Trump v. Biden - Psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank MD, Psychoanalyst & Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - George Washington University / Author - Trump on the Couch (Previous books include Bush on the Couch & Obama on the Couch)
    • How Psychedelics Played a Role in the Founding of Christianity - Brian C. Muraresku, Member of the NY bar practicing international law / author of "The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name"
  • Democrats must prepare for the Supreme Court's second try at installing an illegitimate president

    Thom plus logo Democrats must prepare for the Supreme Court's second try at installing an illegitimate president The Supreme Court has awesome power, and now that there's a 6-to-3 right-wing majority, they're preparing to use that power like a sledgehammer.

    In 2000, they put popular-vote-loser George W. Bush into the White House, and Brett Kavanaugh just signaled to Donald Trump that he's enthusiastic to be part of a second such effort.
  • Monday 26 October '20 show notes

    • Because We Don't Have a "Right" To Vote...
    • Has the Trump Civil War Begun?
    • Yes, the Republicans CAN Steal Elections... - Don Siegelman, LAST Democratic Governor of Alabama, 1999-2003 / Lt. Governor, 1995-1999 / Attorney General, 1987-1991 / Secretary of State, 1979-1987 & author of the new book, Stealing Our Democracy
    • Don't F*** With My Vote - Brian Baird (Former) U.S. Congressman (D-WA, 3rd District) / Founder of Don't F*** With My Vote
    • Science revolution: America Can't Afford Another Climate Denier on the Supreme Court... Barrett Backers Will Pay a Price With Voters - Lori Lodes, Executive Director - Climate Power 2020 / Obama admin alum
  • Because We Don't Have A Right to Vote...

    Thom plus logo In America, the country that is supposed to be the world's premier democratic republic, citizens do not have an absolute right to vote.

    Because we don't have a right to vote, red state governors can radically cut back on the number of polling places and voting machines so that working class people are forced to stand in line for five, six, in some cases 10 hours to vote.

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