
  • Monday 08 November '21 show notes

    • Shocking Report! Trump & John Eastman Gamed Out "Bloodlust" to Overturn Election
    • What If Every American's Home Was a Power Plant?
    • Joe Madison is on a hunger strike for the John Lewis Voting Act - Joe Madison, The Black Eagle, Host-The Joe Madison Show (weekdays 6-10am on SiriusXM ch. 126 Urban View)
    • Thom Asks Republican Former Speaker of the House What No-One Else In the Media Has... - Newt Gingrich, Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (R-GA) / Co-Author, Contract With America / former 2012 presidential candidate / Fox News Contributor / Author of 41 books including his latest, Beyond Biden: Rebuilding
    • We're Screwed Without the John Lewis Voting Act - Greg Palast, The Guardian / Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker & Puffin Writing Fellow, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / His new book, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters
    • Time to kill off daylight savings time?!
    • It Looks Like China's President XI Is Embracing the "Hamilton Plan" & What That Means
  • Friday 05 November '21 show note

    • Is Qanon a Tragedy, a Danger, or a Terrorist Group?
    • Is Hate & Violence Becoming "Normal" in America? What can we do to stop it?
    • Jackie's Rose Garden: There's a War in America Between Dems & GOP - It Includes Aesthetics
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Hey! Joe Manchin - Nurses in WV Want "Build Back Better"
    • Anything Goes...What's On Your Mind? Thom Takes Your Calls...
  • Thursday 04 November '21 show notes

    • The News Is Too Vital To Be Left to the "Free Market" & Must Again be Owned & Run by Actual Journalists
    • What does it mean that 8 Jan 6th Traitors were elected to public office Tuesday?
    • Does This mean the Pandemic Could Be Over By Spring?
    • How the assault on public goods diminishes our democracy - Donald Cohen Founder/Executive Director - In the Public Interest / Co-author of the forthcoming book: The Privatization of Everything
    • How Do We Avert a Hot Toxic Endgame? - Osprey Orielle Lake, Founder/Executive Director - Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) / Executive Committee-Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
    • The Violent Holy War QAnon is Secretly Plotting - Dr. Thomas Lecaque, Historian & Associate Professor of History - Grandview University
  • Wednesday 03 November '21 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Last Night's Election Proves America is Standing on the Edge of a New Populism
    • Our Own 2 Neoliberals Manchin & Sinema Bare Responsibility For the Shellacking...
    • Conversations With Great Minds The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion With No Name - Brian C. Muraresku, Alum of Brown University w/degree in Latin, Greek & Sanskrit / Alum of Georgetown Law practicing international law for 15 years / Founding Executive Director-Doctors For Cannabis Regulation / The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion With No Name
  • Tuesday 02 November '21 show notes

    • Are Trump & His Cronies Guilty of Mass Murder?
    • How Fox & The Right Wingers May Bring a Win for Youngkin - Where is the Media?
    • Pennsylvania: Should Messing With the Vote Be A Crime? - Where is the Media?
    • How Citizens United Will Dictate Our Future - Where is the Media?
    • "My Battle w/Donald Trump's Fake University..." - Art Cohen Entrepreneur & former student of Trump University / Author (w/Dan Good) of the new book, Trump You: Promises, Lies, And Corruption: My Battle With Donald Trump's Fake University
  • Monday 01 November '21 show notes

    • The GOP's #1 Issue Is the Survival of White Supremacy
    • Will Sinema Become a Trumpian?
    • Stopping Big Oil From Funding Climate Disinformation? - Richard Wiles, Executive Director - Climate Integrity Project
    • Could the Supreme Court Destroy the Planet?
    • Jan 6th Was Worse Than We Realized
    • Build Back Better Bill...Where Does It Stand? And, How Is This Going to Affect Democracy? - Bill Press, Host - Bill Press Pods
  • Friday 29 October '21 show notes

    • Exposed: The Insidious Cancer at the Core of Democracy that Could Take Down Biden...
    • How Many More People Need To Die So the Murdochs Can Make More $$Bucks??
    • Why Is Our Food Safety System Failing? Does America Care Anymore?
    • Anything Goes!
  • Thursday 28 October '21 show notes

    • Biden leaves for G20 in Rome after unveiling latest version of plan
    • Filibuster Fingerprints Are All Over Our Dying Democracy
    • An Open Letter in Defense of Democracy - You Never Guess Who It's From!!
    • The GOP Has Succeeded in Keeping America Crippled by the Virus
    • Why Isn't Trump Being Held Responsible for Mass Murder?
    • David Sirota on Meltdown - David Sirota, Narrator & Executive Producer of Meltdown (the new podcast available on Audible) / Founder - The Daily Poster
    • Geeky Science - America Has To Stop Eating Plastic
  • Wednesday 27 October '21 show notes

    • Is The Judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse Case Undermining the Prosecution?
    • Jurors in the Unite The Right Charlottesville Trial are Being Asked if They Listen To My Show - REALLY!?
    • Take This Job and Shove It!
    • The Peril of Jan 6th - Robert Costa, National Political Reporter-The Washington Post (currently on leave) AND co-author of Peril w/Bob Woodward
    • 5% Can Block Democracy In the Senate
    • Donziger sent to jail, and January 6th - Greg Palast, The Guardian / Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker & Puffin Writing Fellow, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / His new book, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters
    • Equal Health Care for All Act - Chairman Adam B. Schiff, U.S. Congressman (D-CA, 28th District) / Chairman-House Intelligence Committee
    • Thom Takes Your Calls...
  • Tuesday 26 October '21 show notes

    • Debate: Are Republicans' Going to Use the "Monster" of Inflation to Scare People Away From the Build Back Better Plan? - Jennifer Stefano, Vice President & Chief Strategist - Commonwealth Foundation / Fellow - Independent Women's Forum
    • Is Facebook Guilty of Slave Trading?
    • Covid Shows How Fragile & Wrong Neoliberal Trade Policies Are
    • Chicago poised to create one of the nation's largest 'guaranteed basic income' programs
    • The Supreme Court will be hearing the Mississippi Abortion Case on 12/1, which not only threatens abortion, but also the right to birth control, marriage, and even sex. - Lizz Winstead, Comedian & Author - / Former co-creator & head writer of The Daily Show / Reproductive Rights Activist, Founder & Chief Creative Officer - Abortion Access Front

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