Transcript: Thom Hartmann: are the Wall Street bankers trying to hijack the entire political system? December 12, 2011
Jan. 3, 2012 5:42 amBy SueNThom Hartmann: Welcome back, Thom Hartmann here with you. In our first hour we heard from Joshua Holland over at about what he, live from the Port of Oakland about the Occupy the Ports movement that is going on all day today up and down the west cost. We’ll keep you up to date on that. But broadly, we’ll see how it shakes out. But there’s, and toward the end of the last hour I got a number of callers, well I got a couple of callers. It was interesting.
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: Are Rats are More Empathetic than Republicans? 9 December '11
Jan. 2, 2012 6:36 pmBy SueNTranscript: Thom Hartmann: Republicans want power not jobs. 8 December '11
Jan. 2, 2012 4:59 pmBy SueNSo what were House Republicans up to this week?
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: Why Corporations are on the run. 7 December '11
Jan. 2, 2012 3:03 pmBy SueNTranscript: Thom Hartmann & Stephen Moore: how to build an economy that works for all. December 7, 2011
Jan. 2, 2012 2:37 pmBy SueNThom Hartmann: So how do we build an economy and a country that works for all? That respects the classic American values of caring and fairness and loyalty and sanctity and authority and liberty. Yesterday the president called out trickle-down economics. And first let me welcome my guest, Stephen Moore. Stephen Moore is an economist and editorial board member and senior economics writer for the Wall Street Journal. And Stephen, welcome back to the program.
Stephen Moore: Hey Thom, great to be with you.
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Poison Pill to kill the Post Office? 5 December '11
Dec. 31, 2011 12:14 pmBy SueNTranscript: Thom Hartmann: Megyn Kelly take a face full of pepper spray? 2 December '11
Dec. 31, 2011 6:35 amBy SueNHow do we know pepper spray is awful?
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: What happened with the notion of a "The Leisure Society?" 1 December '11
Dec. 31, 2011 4:54 amBy SueN