
  • July 30 2009 show notes

  • Show live from Seattle.
  • The blue dogs are hurting themselves, if health care loses, the same as in '94 with Clinton, Republicans will take seats from them.
  • VISA's profits jumped.
  • Thom discusses health care with Martha Kuhl, Vice President of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee, 03 August 2009


    Thom Hartmann: So, for our weekly labor segment right now,, Martha Kuhl is with us. She is the Vice President of the California Nurses Association, the National Nurses Organizing Committee and Oakland, California Registered Nurse, specializing in pediatric oncology. And it’s, I guess it was a week or so ago, the anniversary of Medicare and the need for healthcare reform, a single payer system. Martha Kuhl, welcome to the program.

  • Thom talks to Gary Kreep about Obama's Birth Certificate, 28 July 2009

    Thom Hartmann: The so-called "Birther" movement is planning for Barack Obama’s birthday. I just got a note here from the desk of, actually I got it a few days ago, from the desk of Gary G. Kreep. Gary is the executive director of the United States Justice Foundation, is their website. Big picture of Michael Reagan, the chairman of their advisory board, on the front page.

  • Thom talks to SF Mayor Gavin Newsom about San Francisco's public health care plan, 30 July 2009

    Thom Hartmann: Gavin Newsom is with us, the mayor of San Francisco, among other things, just a great guy and very, very, very, very pleased to have you with us, Gavin, welcome to the show.

    Gavin Newsom: Great to be on, Thom, thanks for having me.

  • Friday August 6th 2009

    under-the-radar-1imagesHour One: "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions

  • Thursday August 5th 2009

    geek-imagesHour One - Should the Government rescue the endangered news industry? Thom is challenging Troy Schneider

    Hour Two - Is healthcare a right or only...if you can afford it? Thom is confronting Alex Epstein

  • Wednesday August 5th 2009


    Carl Wolfson and Christine Alexander from the KPOJ morning show are filling in for Thom today - Thom's on his way to LA. Don't miss him tonight at The Santa Monica Public Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd. Event is Free!

  • Tuesday August 4th 2009

    global-warming-imagesHour One - Will Wilkinson   Is inequality killing Americans?

  • ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

    Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

    Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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