
  • Did Bernie On Fox Just Show Progressive Politics Are Widely Beloved?

    Thom plus logo Bernie Sanders went on Fox News and showed us how someone who genuinely believes in his own policies can overcome questions designed specifically to make him look foolish. Every time the fox hosts tried gotcha questions or tried to provoke Bernie to get him upset, he handled it with elegance and with the support of the crowd.
  • Thursday 11 April '19 show notes

    • How Bernie Pays for Medicare for All?
    • Warren's New Corporate Tax Plan
    • Did Julian Assange Sabotage Wikileaks?
    • What About Fractional Reserve Banking? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work/Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown
    • Conversations With Great Minds: Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom - Professor David W. Blight, Professor of American History and Director of the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance & Abolition-Yale University / Author or Editor of a dozen books...
  • Elizabeth Warren is On the Job!

    Thom plus logo American corporations have been running a con job for years. They declare to their stockholders and their CEOs that they've made huge profits, and then distribute billions of those profits to those same shareholders and CEOs.
  • The Real Agenda of Trump & GOP Revealed

    Yesterday, in an interview with the Washington Post, Former Trump economic adviser Gary Cohn revealed he was "stunned" by Trump's proposed 2020 budget recommending $26 billion in cuts to Social Security and the Social Security Disability Insurance program.

    What's stunning is that anybody would be stunned by this.

  • Wednesday 10 April '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Vicky Ward - new book, Kushner Inc.: Greed, Ambition, Corruption - Vicky Ward, Editor at Large - Huffington Post / Author of the new book, Kushner Inc.: Greed, Ambition, Corruption
    • Censorship... Just Like China... Here in the U.S.? - Nandan Joshi, Attorney - Public Citizen Litigation Group

  • Tuesday 9 April '19 show notes

    • The Barr Coverup Continues
    • We Now Have a Lawless President & Lawless GOP - Is the Coup Complete On the GOP Side? What Can We Do?
    • Should There Be a Law that Says Anyone Running for President to Release 10 years of Tax Returns - Julio Rivera, Reactionary Times/Newsmax/Right Wing News/Politichicks
    • Are Drug Prices Higher Because Congress Has Invested in the Stock Market?
    • $1 Billion Wasted by DeVos and Department of Education on Charter School - Jeff Bryant, Chief Correspondent & Writing Fellow - Independent Media Institute
  • Are Drug Prices Higher Because Congress Has Invested in the Stock Market?

    Thom plus logo According to BuzzFeed News, the heads of the Kochhead caucus in Congress, Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows, are advising pharmaceutical companies to refuse to cooperate with Congress itself. The reporting indicates they're doing this because of their concern about the company's testimony's impact on the company's stock prices.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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