
  • Thursday 10 December '20 show notes

    • It's time to defund the Republican Party
    • How Do We Best Deal With Billionaires and the Damage They Do To Our Economy and Politics? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • Conversations With Great Minds: How Do We Recover From Trump? - Psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank MD, Psychoanalyst & Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - George Washington University / Author - Trump on the Couch (Previous books include Bush on the Couch & Obama on the Couch)
  • It's time to defund the Republican Party

    Thom plus logo In yesterday's rant, I laid out all the reasons why Democrats should put at the top of their priority list "defunding the Republican Party." Here's a little background, and how to do it.
  • Wednesday 09 December '20 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • How do we deal with a Republican Party that's become a traitor to humanity itself?
    • Conversations With Great Minds: Democracy vs. Plutocracy - Stacy Mitchell, Co-Director Institute for Local Self Reliance & Author, Big Box Swindle, Home Town Advantage
  • How do we deal with a Republican Party that's become a traitor to humanity itself?

    Thom plus logo Politicians in New York State are discussing making Covid vaccination mandatory, and, predictably, Republican cultists are freaking out. "Freedom!" they scream as they run around maskless, assaulting their fellow citizens with virus-laden breath.
  • Tuesday 08 December '20 show notes

    • When Will America Wake Up to the Evil That Has Seized the Republican Party?
    • "Get Covered America" Day is December 10th... ACA Open Enrollment - Laura Packard, Health care advocate & founder - Health Care Voices (a non-profit grassroots organization for adults with serious medical conditions) / co-chair-Health Care Voter & runs the pharma accountability campaign for Hero Action Fund - Laura is a cancer survivor
    • Gained a Few Covid Pounds? How Not to Diet - Dr. Michael Greger, Physician, author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, & public health issues. / Author-How Not to Die, How Not to Diet, and The How Not to Die Cookbook / Dr. Greger also runs, the first science-based, non-commercial website providing free daily videos & articles on latest nutrition discoveries.
  • When Will America Wake Up to the Evil that has Seized the Republican Party?

    Thom plus logo We've seen it around the world and throughout history: when a political party or government exists solely to serve the very wealthy, and begins to lose power, they inevitably turn to authoritarianism and police violence.

    We saw this in Florida when Gov. Ron DeSantis sent State police with guns drawn to intimidate the family of whistleblower Rebekah Jones, who he'd earlier fired for refusing to lie about Florida coronavirus statistics and is now publishing a daily "Florida coronavirus dashboard."
  • Monday 07 December '20 show notes

    • Time to Hold Trump's Authoritarian Helpers Accountable...
    • The Fiction of Voter Fraud Revealed! - Howard Polskin, President - The Righting
    • Is America Starting to Look More Like a Theocracy with Religious Freedom Reformation Act? - Ani Zonneveld, Muslims For Progressive Values
    • Trump is Encouraging a Cult Belief System in His Followers...
  • Time to Hold Trump's Authoritarian Helpers Accountable

    Thom plus logo What most vividly shows the difference between Ron DeSantis and Xavier Becerra? The crusade, and then the failure of that crusade, to make America into a fully authoritarian nation, and the return to democracy.

    Donald Trump is a full-blown authoritarian; anyone who's ever read a decent history of Germany, Italy, or Spain in the 1930s, or knows the history of Pinochet in Chile, knows this is an irrefutable truth.
  • Friday 04 December '20 show notes

    • Saving & Growing Community Farms - Severine von Tscharner Fleming, Farmer/activist/organizer-Director of The Greenhorns... whose mission is to recruit and support incoming generations of new farmers
    • Has Trump Taught the GOP a New, Mysterious Grift?
    • Anything Goes Friday...! What's on Your Mind? For Caller, Jim, It's UFOs!
    • Anything Goes Friday...Thom shares his thoughts on the film Smoke Signals and has a conversation with a caller on whether people are inherently good or evil...
  • Has Trump Taught the GOP a New, Mysterious Grift?

    The GOP has been running a con job and grift on the American people for 40 years, and now Trump has added his own new and very profitable twist to it. He's not going to let go of it any day soon.

    The Washington Post headline reads: "Trump raises $495 million since mid-October, including a massive haul fueled by misleading appeals about election." He's raised over $140 million just since he lost the election!

    The headline over at Raw Story today reads: "A mysterious company created 9 months ago is the RNC's highest paid vendor of the 2020 election." Nobody knows who the company is, what they do, or who owns it, but it took $49 million from donors to the RNC.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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