
  • Monday 18 January '21 show notes

    • Civil Rights in America / MLK Day - Joe Madison, The Black Eagle, Host-The Joe Madison Show (weekdays 6-10am on SiriusXM ch. 126 Urban View)
    • Psychology of mob mentality & violence - Psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank MD, Psychoanalyst & Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - George Washington University / Author - Trump on the Couch (Previous books include Bush on the Couch & Obama on the Couch)
    • The Black Women Who Paved the Way - What are lessons to be learned from what they did and how they showed up - Judith Browne Dianis Attorney & Executive Director - Advancement Project National Office
    • The Big Lie and truth are in an epic battle for the soul of America - The media and brave politicians hold the key
    • Let States create true state-wide universal healthcare plans - Dr. Sam Metz, Retired Anesthesiologist / Member - PNHP & Mad As Hell Doctors
  • The Big Lie and truth are in an epic battle for the soul of America - The media and brave politicians hold the key

    Thom plus logo The media and brave politicians hold the key

    The media must explode this generation's Big Lie: Donald Trump's assertion that he really won the election and "voter fraud" handed a false victory to Joe Biden.

    Trump and his handmaids on Fox, et al, have pushed his Big Lie so hard and so far that more than half of Republicans fully believe it -thus some are predictably acting on it, from the January 6th failed coup to armed protests at state capitols all around the nation. As long as they believe the Lie, they're not going to stop or go away.
  • Friday 15 January '21 show notes

    • How Oil and Gas Corporations Funded An Attempted Coup - John Noël, Senior Climate Campaigner - Greenpeace USA
    • Is the Right Wing Sustainable?
    • Will AI Robots Destroy the Human Race?
    • Anything Goes Friday
  • Will Biden Follow GOP Advice and Shoot Santa Claus?

    Thom plus logo In the process of killing the $2000 Covid survival checks, Mitch McConnell and his fellow Republicans resurrected their Party's longest-running scam, an idea laid out by Jude Wanniski back in the 1970s to use the deficit to destroy Democrats.

    The history is fascinating, and not only tells us how they'll be re-running this long con but also what Democrats can do to expose it.
  • Why a little insurrection is no big deal to Republicans

    Thom plus logo If their true scam is admitted, the GOP could wander in the wilderness for two generations

    It seems inexplicable.

    A group of Americans invaded the US Capitol with a plan to kidnap and kill the Vice President and the Speaker of the House, hoping that would throw the Electoral College vote to the US House, where Republicans would declare Donald Trump the winner.
  • Thursday 14 January '21 show notes

    • The inescapable truth about rightwing billionaires and Trump
    • How does white rage connect to economics? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System
    • A new discovery about the GOP - Greg Palast, The Guardian / Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / His new book, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters
    • Finally...charges on the Flint water crisis! - Latricea Adams, Founder/CEO & President of Black Millenials 4 Flint
  • The inescapable truth about rightwing billionaires and Trump

    Thom plus logo Hint: It's all about the money

    Some very wealthy people helped put Donald Trump in office, and have continued to subsidize the Trump presidency and those Republicans who enable it.
  • Wednesday 13 January '21 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Coverage of today's impeachment hearings & vote in the U.S. House of Representatives
  • Trump & the Big Lie must be exposed and cast out

    Thom plus logo The GOP's Big Lie is tearing America apart, as Trump expanded it to assault American democracy.

    A 40-year Republican Big Lie brought us to this crisis point in America.

    When Ronald Reagan was running for president in 1980, one of his biggest boosters was the political heavy hitter Paul Weyrich, who was also a cofounder of the Heritage Foundation and multiple other rightwing think tanks and operations.

    Weyrich told a group of political activist in a church basement in Dallas that the GOP was changing their strategy to win elections.
  • Tuesday 12 January '21 show notes

    • Will the "Trump Train's" third attempted coup be successful? Twice before, oligarchs have attempted to overthrow the government of the United States. This time they might succeed...
    • A Preview of What's To Come After Trump Leaves - Brendan O'Connor, Writer & Journalist-contributor, The Nation Magazine / Author of the new book, Blood Red Lines: How Nativism Fuels the Right
    • Why Were the Capitol Police Sent Home Early on January 6th?
    • Thom's Take on the Best of the Rest of the News and Your Calls...

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