
  • Friday 3 December '10 show notes

    • Senator Bernie Sanders, (I-VT). "Brunch With Bernie".
    • Has Obama lost his moral compass?
    • Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL, 9th district). Deficit commission vote.
    • "Anything Goes" townhall Friday
    • Bumper Music:
  • Thom's blog - Tuesday December 7th, 2010

    You need to know this. Julian Assange was arrested today in London. The wikileaks founder turned himself in to London authorities this morning in relation to a sex crimes investigation in Sweden. Assange is accused of having consensual – but unprotected sex in that country – which is illegal. His accuser is a woman who works for an anti-Castro group funded by the CIA. Unclear what happens next – Assange is likely to challenge extradition to Sweden which means he will stay in custody in the UK or be released on bail pending another hearing. Ye

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday December 7th, 2010

    Quote of the Day: It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach. - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    Hour One: Why did Obama sell out his progressive base to make a deal with Republicans?

    Hour Two: Topic:Is Big Brother is coming to a Wal Mart near you?

  • Thursday 2 December '10 show notes

    • NOTHING FOR THE LITTLE GUY!! Blank Checks For Banks, But 2 Million Unemployed Get Cut Off?!
    • David Corn, Washington DC Bureau Chief, Mother Jones Magazine. Wikileaks: Obama officials convinced Spain not to prosecute Bush administration for torture.
    • Geeky Science rocks! Our bodies are full of necessary bacteria...why do they affect people with Asthma differently?
    • Julian Sanchez of the Cato Institute.
  • This is President Obama’s parting shot to House Democrats...

    The tax cut debate may be nearing an end…and it looks like progressives are going to get screwed. Over the weekend – Vice President Joe Biden met with top Democrats in the House of Representatives to discuss a way forward on a tax cut compromise with the Republicans. While much of the focus has been on the Senate - and whether or not they can secure 60 votes to pass tax cuts legislation – the real test will be getting enough progr

  • Wednesday 1 December '10 show notes

    • Today is "World AIDS Day".
    • Is Obama really the last Nixonian Republican?
    • Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute. Should religious groups be able to censor government funding of the arts?
    • Rolling Stone investigative reporter Matt Taibbi. "Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That is Breaking America".
  • Thom's blog - Monday December 6th, 2010

    You need to know this. After Amazon kicked Wikileaks off their servers last week – thanks in large part to pressure from US Senator Joe Lieberman – the website received another blow over the weekend. PayPal is no longer offering its services – which could affect the whistleblower website’s ability to raise funds through donations. Unclear if PayPal’s decision was motivated under pressure from the US government as well. One thing that is clear – there seems to be an overt campaign to suppress free speech. Students at Columbia University’s school of Inter

  • Daily Topics - Monday December 6th, 2010

    Quote of the Day: "All that serves labor serves the nation. All that harms is treason. If a man tells you he trusts America, yet fears labor, he is a fool. There is no America without labor, and to fleece the one is to rob the other." -- Abraham Lincoln

    Hour One: What does the weekend's lack of Presidential leadership say about Obama's chances in 2012?

  • Tuesday 30 November '10 show notes

    • Former U.S. Senator Gary Hart (D-CO), Chairman of the American Security Project. The new START treaty has been sitting untouched waiting for ratification since April...what's the hold-up?
    • Dr. David Kay, Consultant with the American Security Project; former IAEA/UNSCOM Chief Nuclear Weapons Inspector. START Treaty...also, Iran/N.Korea, etc...
  • Julian Assange wrote this a few years ago...

    Sat 09 Jun 2007 : The United what of America?

    It has been frequently noted that many corporations exceed nation states in GDP. It has been less frequently noted that some also exceed them in population (employees).

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