How Many Americans are Republicans Willing to Let Die In Order to Win Elections?
Apr. 7, 2020 5:09 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...Monday 6 April '20 show notes
Apr. 7, 2020 8:57 amBy SueN- Red States vs. Blue States...Let the Experiment Begin!!
- Can Fox-So-Called-News Be Sued For Endangering Americans? - Arthur West, Director - Washington League for Increased Transparency and Ethics (WASHLITE).
- Science Revolution: Big Oil Bailout... Fracking May Be Right Behind - Lukas Ross, Senior Policy Analyst - Friends of the Earth
Red States Vs Blue States - Let the Experiment Begin?
Apr. 6, 2020 3:11 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...Ever since the Reagan revolution, right wing billionaires have been pouring money into Red states to cement Republican control. Their big issue is how much they hate "socialism" including things like Medicaid, free college, and food and housing supports. Red states are heavily subsidized by federal tax money taken from Blue states.
Friday 3 April '20 show notes
Apr. 6, 2020 9:04 amBy SueN- Anything Goes Friday! Pandemic Response Team Replaced By...Jared Kushner?!
- How & Why Republicans Want to Kill the USPS THIS Time...
- The Trump Admin Changes the Official Description of the National Stockpile to make it fit w/Jared Kushner's Bizzare Claims...???
- Is Trump's De-Construction of the Administrative State Nearly Complete? If So, Is There a New Orwellian "Paradise" Ahead...?!
Thursday 2 April '20 show notes
Apr. 3, 2020 8:37 amBy SueN- Is Mad King Trump Deciding Which States Will Live and Which States Will Die???
- How Are the Economics of America Going to Change Throughout This Year and Next Year? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Understanding Marxism / Understanding Socialism
- Stealing Our Democracy - Don Siegelman, LAST Democratic Governor of Alabama, 1999-2003 / Lt. Governor, 1995-1999 / Attorney General, 1987-1991 / Secretary of State, 1979-1987 & author of the new book, Stealing Our Democracy
Is Mad King Trump Deciding Which States Will Live and Which States Will Die?
Apr. 3, 2020 8:33 amBy Thom Hartmann A...'Epic of Gilgamesh': How Mad King Trump angered the gods
Apr. 2, 2020 5:02 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...In the 4,000-year-old "Epic of Gilgamesh," the arrogant eponymous king killed Humbaba, the giant guardian of the forest so that he could cut down the cedar stands in what is now northern Iraq to build his great city of Uruk. Gilgamesh's people then diverted the Euphrates River to irrigate fields of barley.
What Would a Normal President Do?
Apr. 2, 2020 3:05 amBy Thom Hartmann A...A normal person as president would anguish over telling his nation that a quarter million people were going to have to die because he listened to Fox News hosts and spent two months holding rallies and playing golf when he could have been ordering test kits, ventilators and personal protective equipment.
Wednesday 1 April '20 show notes
Apr. 2, 2020 3:03 amBy SueN- Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
- What Would a Normal President Do in a Crisis?
- You Won't Believe What Capitalism is Doing to Doctors Right NOW...
- What Would FDR Do In Times Like These? - Pavlina Tcherneva, Associate Professor of Economics-Bard College & former Economics Adviser to Bernie Sanders / Research Scholar-Levy Economics Institute & Author of the forthcoming book, The Case for a Job Guarantee
- How Do We ReInvent Capitalism After Coronavirus?
Tuesday 31 March '20 show notes
Apr. 1, 2020 8:45 amBy SueN- We're All Mourning Our Way of Life...How Are You Working Around It?
- This Is the Story of the GOP Over the Past 40 Years Writ Large
- Trump Says if Only 200,000 Americans Die, He's "Done A Really Good Job." So What IS His Job?/li>
- Science Revolution: Trump Fights Clean Car Standards Instead of the Coronavirus - Amit Narang, Attorney & Regulatory Policy Advocate - Public Citizen