
  • Thursday 17 October '19 show notes

    • The Supreme Court Broke Politics - How Do We Now Reform the Supreme Court???
    • Is the Grifter in the White House Making Somebody Rich w/Inside Info...? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work/Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown / Understanding Marxism
    • Remembering Congressman Elijah Cummings w/His Long Time Friend Joe Madison - Joe Madison, The Joe Madison Show/SiriusXM Urban View
    • Turkey Throws Trump's Pathetic Letter in the Trash: What Happens When A Billionaire Con Man Gets In Office...
  • The Supreme Court Broke Politics - How Do We Now Reform the Supreme Court?

    Thom plus logo We complain about the state of American politics; about a mentally ill billionaire in the White House and a Republican Party crawling with hustlers and conmen, and a few in the Democratic Party as well. The complaints are legitimate, but most people don't realize why the situation is as bad as it is.
  • Wednesday 16 October '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Democratic Debates: Is It Time to Get the Corporate TV Stars Off the Stage? - Jefferson Smith, host/owner progressive radio XRAY-FM, Portland, OR
    • What To Do With A Lawless, Corrupt President...?

  • Democratic Debates: Is It Time to Get the Corporate TV Stars off the Stage?

    Thom plus logo The democratic debate, operating entirely within the context of corporate TV stars' questions and largely Republican frames, shows once again why a for-profit "news" operation shouldn't be running a presidential debate.
  • Tuesday 15 October '19 show notes

    • What Do You Want to See in the Democratic Debate Tonight? PLUS, What's Happening w/Medicare and also the gun violence crisis? - Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (D-CA, 18th District) / Chairwoman-Health Subcommittee
    • Trump Throws Alligators Into the Swamp...
    • What Do You Want to See in the Debate Tonight?
    • Anniversary of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense...
  • Trump Throws Alligators Into the Swamp

    Thom plus logo Fascism has often been defined as the merger of corporate and state interests, combined with belligerent nationalism. Donald Trump has now put an unprecedented number of lobbyists - nearly 300 - according to a ProPublica and Columbia Journalism Investigation - in powerful positions throughout government.
  • Monday 14 October '19 show notes

    • Indigenous People's Day
    • Why Hasn't Congress Taken War Powers Away From Trump?
    • Did Putin Ask Trump to Let Turkey Invade the Kurds?
    • Indigenous People's Day
    • The Cult of Trump... - Steven Hassan, an expert on Undue Influence, brainwashing and unethical hypnosis / Author of the best-selling book, Combating Cult Mind Control & the new book, The Cult of Trump
    • Hey GOP... Why Do You Insist on Letting People Die for Profits For the Healthcare Industry?!
  • Why Hasn't Congress Taken War Powers Away From Trump?

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump's pathetic betrayal of our Kurdish allies in northern Syria highlights the importance of Congress taking seriously it's constitutional obligation to define and authorize war.
  • Friday 11 October '19 show notes

    • Anything Goes Friday...Thom Takes Your Calls
    • Trump's Lies Are Killing Us...
    • Is Trump Trying to Start WWIII? The Slaughter of the Kurds Continues...
    • Meanwhile, Trump Sends Troops & Artillery to Saudi Arabia...
    • California's PG&E Should Become a Public Utility...

  • Trump's Lies Are Killing Us

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump keeps insisting in his rallies, as he did last night, that he has lowered prescription drug prices, is protecting people with pre-existing conditions, and is improving Medicare. While everybody knows that he lies a lot, these are among the most pernicious lies.

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