
  • Is the Trump Death Cult Growing or Shrinking?

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump just guaranteed more Americans will die.

    Trump has been saying for some time that he wishes there was less testing for coronavirus in America, because that would reduce the number of cases that we find, which would improve, in his mind, his numbers compared to other countries.
  • Wednesday 26 August '20 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Was the Slave Patrol Doing its Work Last Night in Kenosha Wisconsin?
    • Is Trump Burying the Pandemic...Will It Work?
  • Was the Slave Patrol Doing its Work Last Night in Kenosha Wisconsin?

    Thom plus logo As I pointed out in my book "The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment," the reason the Second Amendment was written and passed was to protect the slave patrols of Georgia, South Carolina and Virginia.

    In most cases, the slave patrols were volunteer vigilante groups, drawing from the population of local farmers and other white people whose economic survival depended on the larger plantations.
  • Tuesday 25 August '20 show notes

    • As Shocked As Republican Commentators On TV Seem, Donald Trump Is Nothing New For The GOP
    • #UNFIT: The Psychology of Donald Trump - Dan Partland, Director & Producer - #UNFIT: The Psychology of Donald Trump
    • The Selling of the Presidency - Sarah Blaskey, Journalist - Miami Herald & Co-Author, The Grifter's Club: Trump, Mar-a-Lago and the Selling of the Presidency
    • Science revolution: Wildfires, Pollution and Health - Kevin Patel, Founder & Executive Director - OneUpAction
    • Stop the Bomb Trains - Bradley Marshall, Staff Attorney - Earthjustice Flo
  • As Shocked As Republican Commentators On TV Seem, Donald Trump Is Nothing New For The GOP

    Thom plus logo The Republican convention's first day was filled with sturm und drang, warnings and fear, hysteria and demagoguery. And what were they so concerned about?

    The largest fear seems to be that Black people would move into the suburbs, with Black Senator Cory Booker telling them which white houses to take over.
  • Monday 24 August '20 show notes

    • What's It Going to Take to Break Trump's Followers' Obsession With Death?
    • Secret Meetings At the White House & a Private Security Company Detaining Migrant Children At a Hotel... - Jacob Soboroff Correspondent - NBC News & MSNBC / Author of the new book, SEPARATED: Inside An American Tragedy
    • Steve Bannon, Kris Kobach and the Build the Wall Scandal - Greg Palast, The Guardian / Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / His new book, How Trump Stole 2020.
  • What's It Going To Take to Break Trump's Followers' Obsession With Death?

    Thom plus logo Even the professional war criminals, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, are not willing to show up to this weeks Republican convention.

    Donald Trump has gutted his party, although we should probably be grateful.
  • Friday 21 August '20 show notes

    • Rand Paul Gave the Game Away Asking, Essentially: If You Were a Venture Capitalist, What Would You Need Done to Privatize the Postal Service? The Billionaires Are Circling the Game...Preparing to Go In For the Kill.
    • Issues of the Day - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Trump Greenlights Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)... Will the Oil & Gas Co's Show Up? - Athan Manuel, Director - Sierra Club's Lands Protection Program
    • Anything Goes Friday... Thom Takes YOUR Calls...
  • Thursday 20 August '20 show notes

    • Trump and His Billionaire Buddies Grifter Con Job Becomes More Obvious as Steve Bannon Arrested... Will America Finally Wake Up?
    • Is the Dollar Tanking? And, What Does This Mean To America? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Understanding Marxism / Understanding Socialism
    • Reaganland - Rick Perlstein, Journalist & contributing writer-The Nation / former chief national correspondent for the Village Voice, former online columnist for the New Republic & Rolling Stone / Author of 4 books, his latest, Reaganland
    • The Politics of Climate Change..Biden/Harris Plan Bold Action & Green Energy Jobs - Lori Lodes, Executive Director - Climate Power 2020 / Obama admin alum
  • Trump and His Billionaire Buddies Grifter Con Job Becomes More and More Obvious as Steve Bannon is Arrested: Will America Finally Wake Up?

    Thom plus logo Steve Bannon was just arrested for running a giant con on Trump supporters.

    He and a few buddies started a "charity" inviting people to make contributions to help "build the wall" on our southern border. Gullible and vulnerable people gave them millions of dollars, and they used that money for their own purposes.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

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