
  • Monday 14 March '22 show notes

    • Should We Have Mask Mandates At All? Or Should We Be On our Own? Are you going to continue wearing masks or have you thrown caution to the wind?
    • The Death of Nature & the War On Ukraine are Part of the Same Thing
    • Russia Isn't As Powerful As We Thought
    • Should China Be Sanctioned for Helping Russia?
    • Trump Calls All Trumpers to "Lay Down Their Very Lives" To defend US Against CRT - Is Trump now the Grand Wizard of the KKK? Has anyone done more for racism than Trump?
    • Monopoly Medicine from Aspirin to COVID-19 - Alexander "Alex" Zaitchik, Freelance Journalist focusing on politics, media & the environment / Contributor-The Nation, Jacobin, / Author of the new book, Owning the Sun: A People's History of Monopoly Medicine from Aspirin to Covid-19.
    • In Good News - Denver Has Sent Mental Health Teams Instead Of Cops Over 2000 Times. No Police Back-Up Needed. Ever.
    • What Should America Do about Pro-Russian Trolls and TikTok War?
  • Friday 11 March '22 show notes

    • Wannabee Strongman DeSantis Deploys Election Police
    • Missouri is Now Suggesting Death Penalty as Punishment for Giving Abortions
    • Why Is Tucker Carlson and Fox News Being the "Stooges" for Putin?
    • Death Cult Alert! a GOP political strategist sent a message to the South Dakota AG days after he fatally did a hit-and-run, saying "At Least the Guy Was a Democrat"
    • It's Anything Goes Friday!
  • Thursday 10 March '22 show notes

    • New GOP Plan to Raise Taxes on Working People & End Social Security & Medicare
    • A Decline in Hate Groups Shows How Deeply Extremism Has Spread
    • Why Isn't the Hidden Toll Of Covid Being Discussed?
    • Don't Say Gay Bill what? - Shevrin "Shev" Jones PhD, Florida State Senator / Executive Director-Florida Reading Corps / Former Chemistry Teacher
    • Who Will the New Election Police in FL Appointed by Ron DeSantis Go After?
    • You Just have to Ask - Why Is the GOP Working to Keep Gas Prices High?
    • Why We Should Be Concerned About the New Massive Mysterious Methane Plumes Occurring All Over America
  • Wednesday 09 March '22 show notes

    • The Trump, Putin & Saudi Connection to Raise Oil Prices Exposed
    • As Russian oil Sanctions Were Put Together, Fox & Friends repeated the network's top 4 lies about gas prices
    • Republicans Have a White Nationalist Problem': Florida Newspaper Lays Waste to the GOP
    • As US Education Secretary Warns Florida on 'Don't Say Gay' Bill Passage: 'All Schools Must Follow Federal Civil Rights - a Florida MAGA Senator Speaking in Support of 'Don't Say Gay' law says 'LGBT Is Not a Permanent Thing'
    • MAGA Lawmaker Wants Bill Banning Women From Leaving Missouri to End Pregnancies
    • Fox Newsers Love Rick Scott's radical GOP blueprint - His plan that would raise taxes on most Americans and put Social Security and Medicare at risk
    • GOP Death Cult Alert! QAnon/GOP Michigan Nominee's Weird & Deadly Agenda
  • Tuesday 08 March '21 show notes

    • The Economics of An Oil Embargo
    • Are We Watching the Downfall of Putin & Could It Happen Within 6 Months? And, Are We Seeing a New Swastika Emerge Our of Russia?
    • Can the World Learn from the Failure of the Budapest Accords?
    • Debate: Thom Vs The Freedom Convoy - People Are Dying In Ukraine to Defend Real Freedom & You Guys Are Burning Tons Of Diesel Fuel to Complain About Masks? How Pathetic Is that? - Michael Letts, Co-Chairman, Freedom Convoy USA 2022 / (Also, CEO & Founder, InVest USA - non-profit helping communities provide bullet proof vests for police
    • Is Tucker Carlson a New Tokyo Rose or a Worthless Piece of Crap for His Coverage of Putin?
    • The Hidden History of Big Brother in America: How the Death of Privacy and the Rise of Surveillance Threaten Us and Our Democracy
    • Geeky Science! Covid May Cause Changes In the Brain, A New Study Finds...
  • Monday 07 March '22 show notes

    • Warning of 'large-scale ecological disaster' - Joe Cirincione, Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow at the Quincy Institute (former President-Ploughshares Fund) / national security analyst & author of 7 books including Nuclear Nightmares: Securing the World before It Is Too Late and Bomb Scare: The History and Future of Nuclear Weapons
    • Ukraine Again Shows Why Decentralized Energy is Essential
    • The Shock of Autocrats, Money & Corruption
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • COVID Memorial Day and New CDC Guidelines - Kristin Urquiza, MPA, Co-Founder & Chief Activist - Marked By Covid
    • Were the Truckers Punked by Russian trolls? Or are they just not that bright?
  • Friday 04 March '22 show notes

    • Ukraine/Trump/Authoritarianism - Are you feeling a Sense of Doom or Hope?
    • Why Big Oil & the GOP are Sabotaging Ukraine, America, Our Atmosphere & Our Next Generation
    • This is a "We'll See" Moment for the "Don't Say Gay" Bill in Florida
    • Why white evangelical Christians are Putin's biggest American fan base
    • How Trump Allies Are Plotting To Undermine Jan. 6 Probe
  • Thursday 03 March '22 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Are Republicans Patriotic Enough to Support a Ban on Russian Oil Imports Without Turning It Into a Hustle?
    • Tucker Carlson Goes Off On Epic Racist Rant about Judge Ketanji Jackson Brown
    • Conversations with Great Minds: Kelly Weill - Kelly Weill, Journalist - The Daily Beast / Author of the new book, "Off The Edge: Flat Earthers, Conspiracy Culture, and Why People Will Believe Anything"
    • The Supreme Court Case that Threatens Federal Climate Action - Amy Westervelt, Investigative journalist & host the most-listened-to climate podcast Drilled and the new climate lawsuits podcast Damages (just launched this month)
  • Wednesday 02 March '22 show notes

    • As the Fourth Great Turning Unwinds, Ukraine has become the George Floyd of the World
    • 5 takeaways from Biden's State of the Union speech
    • Germany Is Prepared To Stop Buying Gas From Russia - Should the Entire World Stop Too?
    • What Will Rising Interest Rates Do?
    • Should Religion Be Allowed to Be Discriminate? - Ian Millhiser, Senior Correspondent - Vox / Author - The Agenda: How a Republican Supreme Court is Reshaping America
    • Indivisible to Senate Republicans Using Racist Dogwhistles: F**k Off - Meagan Hatcher-Mays, Lawyer & Director of Democracy Policy - Indivisible
  • Tuesday 01 March '21 show notes

    • Why Does Everything the GOP Touches About Death & Dying?
    • Why the EU May Approve Ukraine's Membership Today
    • Russian Police Go After a Pregnant Woman Who Posted On Facebook...
    • It's Despicable That Manchin Voted with the GOP to Control Women
    • How Big Oil is Exploiting the Crisis in Ukraine
    • Has Putin Lost His Mind or Is This Just How All Oligarchs Become? - Psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank MD, Psychoanalyst & Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - George Washington University / Author - Trump on the Couch (Previous books include Bush on the Couch & Obama on the Couch)

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