
  • Wednesday 11 August '10 show notes

    • Guests:
      • Author/Columnist/Journalist David Sirota
      • Peter Maass, author of "Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil"
      • Bob Adams, Executive Director-League of American Voters.
    • Topics:
      • Elections results and Gibbs hit on the "professional left"
      • Are we in the "violent twilight of oil"?
  • Daily Topics - Friday August 13th, 2010

    The New England Salem Children’s Village provides a home and nurturing environment for neglected and emotionally disturbed children. The States are behind in making their payments to kids in care so we need your help, if you can. Even $10 or $25 is helpful. You can donate at www.salemchildrensvillage.or

    Quote of the Day: Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor. -- Thomas Jefferson

  • Daily Topics - Thursday August 12th, 2010

    The New England Salem Children’s Village provides a home and nurturing environment for neglected and emotionally disturbed children. The States are behind in making their payments to kids in care so we need your help, if you can. Even $10 or $25 is helpful. You can donate at

    Quote of the Day: "When any calamity has been suffered, the first thing to be remembered is how much has been escaped." -- Samuel Johnson

  • Tuesday 10 August '10 show notes

    • Guests:
    • Topics:
      • BP Gulf disaster...what aren't we hearing in the mainstream media?
      • How do we create a real progressive America?
      • Net neutrality and the Google/Verizon it the end of the (world) internet as we know it?
  • "Family Values" Don't Apply to Newt Gingrich...

    "Family values" apparently don't apply to Newt Gingrich. Marianne Gingrich, the second of Newt's three wives, sat down for a rare interview with Esquire and talked about Newt cheating in their marriage. The article said, "When Marianne confronted Newt about his cheating, he had just returned from a speech where he spoke of the importance of family values. Yet he asked her to simply tolerate the affair.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday August 11th, 2010

    Quote of the Day: Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. -- Erich Fromm

    Hour One: Elections results and Gibbs hit on the "professional left" - Author/Columnist David Sirota, Host of the David Sirota Show on AM 760 Colorado's Progressive Talk, will be here

    Hour Two: "Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil" - Investigative journalist/author Peter Maass talks to Thom,

  • The Real Problem is the Professional Right...

    The after effects continues from White House spokesman Robert Gibbs’s attack on the “professional left” yesterday. Rep, Keith Ellison (D-MN), a member of the Progressive Caucus, slammed Gibbs remarks. “Why would he confuse legitimate critique with some sort of lack of loyalty,” Ellison said. “Isn’t this what the far right does? Punishes people who are not ideologically aligned with President Bush?” The real problem is Pres.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday August 10th, 2010

    Quote of the Day: "We have no right to prejudice another in his civil enjoyments because he is of another church." --Thomas Jefferson

    Hour One: BP Gulf disaster...what aren't we hearing in the mainstream media? Independent investigative journalist Dahr Jamail will be here

    Hour Two: Do Americans really believe that Obama is a Nazi?! Thom has a rumble with conservative Pam Geller, author of "The Post American Presidency"

  • Do you want fries with that?

    The Commerce Department said yesterday, that personal incomes took a dive across the U.S. last year except in areas with high volumes of federal government and military jobs. This comes on the heels of an article in the Financial Times, where Edward Luce picked apart the American Dream, reporting, "The annual incomes of the bottom 90% of U.S.

  • Transcript: Thom Hartmann gets the latest on the Arizona immigration law protests from Dr. Mike Newcomb. 30 Jul '10.

    Thom Hartmann: Welcome back to the place where smart people get their news. Dr. Mike Newcomb on the line with us. He is the host of the Dr. Mike Newcomb show on 1480 KPHX, our affiliate in Phoenix, Arizona where we are so pleased to be heard live every day from the equivalent of noon to 3 eastern time. You guys are, are you on mountain time in Arizona? I can never figure out Arizona time.

    Mike Newcomb: Thom, I’ve been living here for 20 years and I still can’t figure it out.

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