
  • Thursday 04 March '21 show notes

    • None Dare Call It Treason & Murder - Americans "have got to know" if our last president conspired to commit treason and murder to end American democracy
    • Sanctions on Cuba are again in the news, have economic sanctions ever worked as a foreign policy tool? Do sanctions ever work as good economics? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System (now also available as an e-book)
    • Science Revolution: Support Grows for Rights of Wetlands - Gillian T. Davies, Professional Wetland Scientist / Co-Convener-Universal Declaration of the Rights of Wetlands / President Elect - Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program
    • Carmel 5th Grade Student Working to Protect Indiana Wetlands - Leo Berry & his mom Lindsey, Helping Ninjas
  • None Dare Call It Treason & Murder

    Thom plus logo Americans "have got to know" if our last president conspired to commit treason and murder to end American democracy.

    Did Donald Trump and some of the people around him conspire to have others murder the Vice President and Speaker of the House in order to hold power and conceal his crimes for another four years?

    Time and evidence will eventually prove or disapprove that question, but the evidence before us right now is pretty grim.
  • Wednesday 03 February '21 show notes

    • The hearings on the Capitol attack...
    • The Racist Republican Party Has Nothing Left But Voter Suppression - At this critical moment, there is something you can do...
    • Are Republican Governors trying to kill people just to harm Biden? Republican governors throwing states off Covid cliff - counting on President Biden to catch them...
    • Science Revolution: Cosmic Queries Takes Readers on an Awe-Inspiring Journey to the Forefront of the Galactic Frontier - Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist & Director - Hayden Planetarium. Author of 17 books including his latest, Cosmic Queries: StarTalk's Guide to Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We're Going
  • The Racist Republican Party Has Nothing Left But Voter Suppression

    Thom plus logo At this critical moment there is something you can do

    It's no coincidence that in this same month that Republican state legislatures have introduced over 250 proposed laws to make it harder for people to vote, Arizona Republicans are also standing before the US Supreme Court trying to make voting more complicated, as well.
  • Tuesday 02 March '21 show notes

    • What's happening with America's relationship with Iran and Why? - Dr. Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President, Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft
    • Here's the Genuine Litmus Test for Biden's Support of Unions- History shows that unions are the most powerful way to build a healthy and vibrant middle-class
    • Biden just came out in support of the Amazon workers - What do conservatives have against workers organizing? - Julio Rivera, Editorial Director - Reactionary Times / Contributor - Newsmax, American Thinker &
    • Sen. Elizabeth Warren Reveals Wealth Tax Proposal...
    • Geeky Science...What Happened the Last Time Earth's Magnetic Fields Flipped and Could It Happen Again?
  • Here's the Genuine Litmus Test for Biden's Support of Unions

    Thom plus logo History shows that unions are the most powerful way to build a healthy and vibrant middle-class

    Joe Biden just took a remarkable step toward restoring the American middle class: he openly defended the right of workers in Alabama to unionize their Amazon facility.
  • Monday 01 March '21 show notes

    • When has the minimum wage ever caused a recession...which states have more vibrant or blue? - Patrick Hedger, Vice President of Policy - Taxpayers Protection Alliance (Prior to joining TPA, Patrick was a Research Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute's Center for Technology and Innovation and also served as Director of Policy at FreedomWorks)
    • The Fate and Future of American Democracy Hangs On the Minimum Wage - If Biden & Harris don't act now, the window will close
    • Time to Add the Republican Party to the Domestic Terrorism Watchlist - The terrorism we feared after 9/11 has now come to America but it came from within — it's time to crush it
    • The Real Story of the Covid Catastrophe is Larger Than You Know - Covid may soon be the least of our worries
  • The Fate and Future of American Democracy Hangs On the Minimum Wage

    Thom plus logo If Biden & Harris don't act now, the window will close

    It looks like President Joe Biden is going to cave on the $15 an hour minimum wage. And it looks like Chuck Schumer is going to cave on ending the filibuster.

    While these are disappointing failures to progressives because of the harm they'll do to working people, they're also extraordinarily dangerous to the future of American democracy.
  • Time to Add the Republican Party to the Domestic Terrorism Watchlist

    Thom plus logo The terrorism we feared after 9/11 has now come to America but it came from within — it's time to crush it

    It's time for American media to tell the truth about what's happening in the GOP: As the Republican Party continues to embrace Donald Trump and his white supremacist fascist ideology, that party is making the transition into a full-blown domestic-terror-supporting organization.

    No American political party should ever condone terrorists within its ranks.
  • The Real Story of the Covid Catastrophe is Larger Than You Know

    Thom plus logo Covid may soon be the least of our worries

    Our planet is screaming a message at us, and Covid is part of that communication. The death of nature and the appearance of Covid are all part of the same thing.

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