Why the Media isn’t Covering Citizens United
Oct. 7, 2015 11:53 amBy Thom Hartmann A...Americans have always been skeptical of corporate power. In fact, this country was founded by a revolt against the biggest corporation of its day - the British East India Company.
You know how conservatives are always going on about how the Boston Tea Party was an example of America’s anti-government roots?
Tuesday 6 October '15 show notes
Oct. 7, 2015 8:50 amBy SueN- Trump Is Right...We Are the Village Idiots
- Dr. Peter Breggin, Medication Madness: The Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide and Crime: Another Shooter On Psychiatric Drugs
- South Carolina - flooding, hypocrisy and global warming...
The Billionaire Hypocrisy of Helping the Poor
Oct. 6, 2015 2:38 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...There's one thing that both progressives and conservatives can agree on, and they can quote both FDR and Ronald Reagan on it.
And that is that, "The best welfare program is a job."
FDR extended the idea to say that when there are no jobs, the government should act as an employer of last resort.Monday 5 October '15 show notes
Oct. 6, 2015 8:51 amBy SueN- TPP Deal...Who Will Control Our Laws?
- If Anyone Can Be Speaker...We Have the Nominee For You!
- The Good Guys With Guns Myth...
- Another Conservative Talker With a White Privilege Problem...
Bernanke: Jail the Banksters
Oct. 5, 2015 1:10 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...President Obama should have thrown the banksters in jail.
That’s more or less what former Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said in an interview this weekend with USA Today.
Bernanke doesn’t get off totally scot-free here.
Friday 2 October '15 show notes
Oct. 5, 2015 5:43 amBy SueN- Media making gunmen famous - "let's put an end to that!"
- Thom talks back to WaPo - plus Kim Davis meeting the Pope wasn't what her lawyer claims...
- Zahara Hecksher, Activist: The TPP... bad for your health