
  • Tuesday 22 December '09 show notes

    • Guests:
      • Conservative attorney Robert Thompson of the Thomas More Law Center.
      • Jayson X, Deputy Director of the World Union of Deists.
    • Topics:
      • Is it possible to get the Senate to change on the filibuster rules in order for the Senate to be more democratic?
      • How long is it going to be before we realize what a mistake we're making on Afghanistan?
  • Transcript: Thom Hartmann riffs on Lessons from Spain... what we won't talk about, but must! 3 Dec '09

    Thom Hartmann: And greetings my friends, patriots, lovers of democracy, truth and justice, believers in peace, freedom and the American Way. Thom Hartmann here with you.

  • Transcript: Thom Hartmann riffs on Afghanistan just before Obama gives his speech. 1 Dec '09

    Tonight President Barack Obama is going to be giving his speech announcing what in all probability is going to be about a 30,000 troop surge, I don’t know what the word is, into Afghanistan. We spent an hour on this yesterday at some length, the third hour of our program with multiple perspectives. We’re going to revisit it again in the second hour of our program. Scott Ritter is going to be with us, the former weapons inspector. One of the early voices warning us about the stupidity of going into Iraq.

  • Transcript: Thom Hartmann asks, why are conservatives trying to destroy the future of America by making education available only to rich, stupid children? 1 Dec '09

    Our quote for the day, this is from Alex Carey, an Australian social scientist: “the 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy.” Brilliant.

  • Transcript: Thom Hartmann hosts a Senator Bernie Sanders townhall: the health care bill, finance, jobs. 20 November 2009

    Thom Hartmann: "Brunch With Bernie”. Our, of course, our national town hall meeting, been going on for years and years and years, one of my favorite, my favorite hour of the entire week, and I know for many of you it is as well. Your opportunity to talk with not just a United States Senator, but in my opinion, our United States Senator. The guy who’s always there for the average American, for working people, Senator Bernie Sanders, the Independent from Vermont.

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