
  • Monday 22 November '21 show notes

    • Today was the 58th anniversary of the assassination of JFK. Thom did a deep dive with JFK Historian / Author Lamar Waldron - Lamar Waldron, Political Commentator/JFK Historian & Author - "Watergate: The Hidden History: Nixon, The Mafia, and The CIA", "The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination", and co-author with Thom of "Ultimate Sacrifice" and "Legacy of Secrecy: The long shadow of the JFK assassination".
  • Friday 19 November '21 show notes

    • The "Medicare Advantage" Plan to Kill Real Medicare
    • Everything the Press Said About the Economy Was Wrong
    • Conservatives Double Down on Racism As Sesame Street Announces 1st Asian American Muppet...?
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Kyle Rittenhouse found "NOT Guillty" on all counts - what does this mean going forward...?
    • I Think I've figured Out the Price Joe Manchin & The Problem Solvers Are Charging For Signing on to the The Build Back Better? Stay Tuned...
    • Anything Goes Friday!
  • Thursday 18 November '21 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Is the New GOP "Southern Strategy" Civil War & Bloodshed...and a Return to "Leave It To Beaver"?
    • More GOP "Southern Strategy"?
    • Conversations with Great Minds: - Dr. Priya Fielding-Singh, Ph.D, Assistant Professor-University of Utah, Department of Family & Consumer Studies America / Ph.D. in Sociology-Stanford University / completed her postdoctoral training as a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Fellow in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention at the Stanford School of Medicine / Author of the new book, HOW THE OTHER HALF EATS: The Untold Story of Food and Inequality in America
  • Wednesday 17 November '21 show notes

    • What is the "Wealth of a Nation"?
    • Why Is the Media Hyping Inflation & Ignoring the Good Economic News?
    • What is Financialization and How Has It Damaged America? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System (now also available as an e-book)
    • Let's Stop Calling Jan 6th an Insurrection - It Was treason & a Coup Attempt
    • What Damage Can the New "Banning Books Movement" Bring?
    • Geeky Science - How Coffee Saves Your Brain
  • Tuesday 16 November '21 show notes

    • Seventh Generation Amendment: The Blah-Blah-Blah Has to End!
    • Is It Time To Put American Oil Executive in Prison?
    • Now It's Crystal Clear - Joe Manchin Doesn't Care About Working People
    • Getting Pregnant Shouldn't Up Your Chances Of Getting Killed
    • Conversations With Great Minds: What is the Psychology Behind Creating Fear Around "Critical Race Theory" & How Do You Purge Racism From a Society? - Psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank MD, Psychoanalyst & Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - George Washington University / Author - Trump on the Couch (Previous books include Bush on the Couch & Obama on the Couch)
  • Monday 15 November '21 show notes

    • Will You Storm the Capitol If the 2024 Election is Stolen?
    • How Many Lives Could Have Been Saved If Trump & Cronies Didn't Muzzle Experts?
    • What Can't be Taught in North Dakota Schools Now That They've Banned CRT & TX is banning penguin/anti-bullying books.....
    • Is the World Locking Down Again on the New Covid Wave? - Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, Epidemiologist & Health Economist / Adjunct Senior Fellow - Federation of American Scientists
    • The GOP is Splintering into Pro and Anti-Trump...
    • Geeky Science - Is There a Vaccine for Dementia Coming?
  • Friday 12 November '21 show notes

    • Authoritarian Coups Are Gradual then Sudden - Meanwhile, all across social media, the word is spreading: "The storm is upon us."
    • How corporate power is the real driving force behind inflation
    • Trump's Depravity for Defending "Hang Mike Pence" - Gradual...Then Sudden
    • Man Arrested For Threatening GOPer That Voted For Infrastructure Bill - Gradual...Then Sudden
    • Extreme Expert Decodes "Doublespeak" Charlottesville Nazis - Gradual...Then Sudden
    • Anything Goes...What's On Your Mind? Thom Takes Your Calls..
  • Thursday 11 November '21 show notes

    • Since The Rich Already Have Family Leave - Why Deny It To the Poor? - Jennifer Stefano, Vice President & Chief Strategist - Commonwealth Foundation / Fellow - Independent Women's Forum
    • Why Do Americans Look Away As Fox News Load their Gun & Shoot American's Daily?
    • Why Don't Jurists Get To Know That Kyle Rittenhouse Was a Right Wing Terrorist?
    • One Of the Best Ways to Help Disabled Vets Is To Pass the Voting Bill... - Naveed Shah, Army Veteran / Political Director - Common Defense | Veterans Against Trump (Common Defense is the largest membership org of progressive vets in the nation
    • Breaking Now: The Tragic Plight of the Children of Wealthy People Exposed
    • Geeky Science - As Covid Recedes - A New Worry Emerges: Wildlife Passing On the Virus
    • The Cure for Limp Democracy
  • Wednesday 10 November '21 show notes

    • The Bill is Coming Due for Sending Good Paying Jobs Overseas & it's Called Unionization
    • Why Did the Media Call Youngkin the "Education" Candidate Instead of the "Racist" Candidate?
    • The Fetal Heartbeat Policy Kills Another Woman - Is this Pro-Life?
    • Why Isn't Gosar Being Held Responsible for His Death Threat? - David Gosar, Brother of Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ, 4th District) and a practicing attorney
    • The GOP Is Spreading A New "Big Lie" About Joe Biden's Child Care Plan
    • Why Were Pence & Staff Locked Out of Office & Badges Deactivated on Jan 6th? - Allison Gill, host - Mueller, She Wrote podcast & also host of host of The Daily Beans, a women-owned and operated progressive news podcast
    • Geeky Science - How a Cheap Generic Anti-depressant Can Help With Covid
    • Billionaires for Joe Manchin Hold More Fundraising Events
  • Tuesday 09 November '21 show notes

    • Time for Democrats to Wake Up on Free Trade or Pay in 2024
    • Big Pharma has Spent 1.2 Million On Sinema In Sep- Now We Know her Price to Sell Out America's Seniors
    • Trump Is Turning the GOP Into a Domestic Terrorist Organization - How Do You Stop Them When They Are a Political Party?
    • Josh Hawley Is Testing Social Issues Like Porn to Run On
    • Kathy Griffin Lost Her Career Over the Severed Trump Head - Why is Gosar Getting Away With Murder Threats On AOC?
    • The Ahmaud Arbery Trial - Debbie Hines, Trial lawyer, former prosecutor and legal/political commentator
    • Geeky Science - The Full Moon Seems to Affect Men More Than Women…And No-One is Sure Why

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