
  • Friday 23 October '20 show notes

    • Anything Goes...Debates, Voting, Flying Saucers...What's On Your Mind? Thom Takes YOUR Calls...
    • Issues of the Day - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Inside the Republican Plot For Permanent Minority Rule...How the GOP Keeps Cheating Its Way Into Power - David Daley Contributor - New Republic / Author, Ratf**ked: Why Your Vote Doesn't Count and Unrigged: How Americans Are Battling Back to Save Democracy
  • Thursday 22 October '20 show notes

    • Is Using Pepper Spray to Defend Yourself Against Maskless TrumpHumpers Self Defense Or Assault??
    • Our superspreader president has blood on his hands, and so does the Republican Party
    • What Amy Coney Barrett's Appointment to SCOTUS Means for LGBTQ, Latinos and Moderate & Swing Voters - Moe Vela, Former Senior Adviser to VP Joe Biden / former Director of Latino Affairs & Director for Administration in the Office of the Vice President under both Clinton & Obama / I Will Vote
    • How a Green New Deal Could Save Hundreds of Thousands of Lives...
    • Palast to Georgia: "Do I Really Have to Sue You Again?!" Update on the Georgia voting purge & voting in general - Greg Palast, The Guardian / Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / His new book, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters.
  • Our Superspreader President Has Blood On His Hands & So Does the Republican Party

    Thom plus logo A new study from Columbia University lays the deaths of tens to hundreds of thousands of Americans at the feet of the Trump administration and the Republican party.

    Comparing the United States to other developed countries, they laid out how our lack of a systemic federal response to the coronavirus has endangered Americans.
  • Wednesday 21 October '20 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • The Future of American Values Is On the Ballot...
    • How a Nation Conquered the World But Failed Its People - Professor Jared Yates Sexton, Writer & Political Analyst / Author of the new book, American Rule: How a Nation Conquered the World But Failed Its People
    • Science revolution: New Blueprint For Our Oceans Could Be a Seachange - Kelsey Lamp, Oceans Advocate - Environment America
  • The Future of American Values Is On the Ballot

    Thom plus logo The corruption of Donald Trump is legendary.

    He was trying to cut a deal for a Trump Tower in Moscow right up to the day of the election in 2016, and lied about it over and over and over again.
  • Tuesday 20 October '20 show notes

    • Will American Elections Ever Again Be Legitimate?
    • Is Bolivia's Election a Triumph For Democracy? - Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director, Center for Economic & Policy Research / President-Just Foreign Policy / Author of several books including "FAILED: What the "Experts" Got Wrong about the Global Economy"
    • The 12th Amendment Explained - Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-MD, 8th District) / Previously a Constitutional Law Professor, Rep. Raskin is an expert on the 12th Amendment (FYI, Rep. Raskin serves on these committees: @rulesdemocrats | @housejudiciary | @oversightdems | @houseadm_dems)
  • Will American Elections Ever Again Be Legitimate?

    Thom plus logo Only an established, legal "right to vote" can defeat Republican voter suppression.

    Republican politicians and conservative commentators are shocked, shocked! that Chief Justice John Roberts would say that people who voted before election day in Pennsylvania but their ballots were delayed by Lewis DeJoy's sabotage of the Post Office should have their vote counted.
  • Monday 19 October '20 show notes

    • How Does a Nation Best Deal With a Leader Who Intentionally Kills Its Citizens?
    • More Radioactive Fukushima Water to be Released Into the Pacific Ocean and a Potentially Serious Problem Brewing w/a Nuke Plant on the Shores of Lake Michigan - Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist - Beyond Nuclear
    • The United States of War - Professor David Vine, Professor-Department of Anthropology, American University / Author of the new book (just out last week), The United States of War: A Global History of America's Endless Conflicts, from Columbus to the Islamic State
  • How Does a Nation Best Deal With a Leader Who Intentionally Kills Its Citizens?

    Thom plus logo Covid infections now represent the third leading cause of death in America. This is an extremely contagious, crippling and deadly disease.

    On top of that, there's a growing legion of people who call themselves "long haulers," who have been seriously disabled by Covid and are unable to live a normal life because of severe chronic fatigue, screaming nerve pain, and other chronic conditions.
  • Friday 16 October '20 show notes

    • Anything Goes Friday...What Are Your Plans to be Safe For the Holidays While We're In a Pandemic?
    • Issues of the Day - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Anything Goes Friday!! What's On Your Mind? Thom Takes Your Calls...

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