
  • Only public trials and humiliation can save the American experiment from the Trump/GOP coup attempt

    Thom plus logo The pharmacist in Wisconsin who destroyed 500 doses of coronavirus vaccine did so because he believed they would "alter human DNA," reflecting a popular conspiracy theory on Facebook that has absolutely no basis in fact.

    Science, religion, and conspiracy theories are all, essentially the same thing: systems or attempts to explain the unknown, to make sense out of things beyond our senses or immediate, touchable reality. Thus, our vulnerability to conspiracy theories and con artists like Trump.

    It's impossible for any individual to know or understand everything. We believe electrons make our computers work, but for all but a few scientists who've actually seen and measured electrons, it's only a belief. We must trust their word.
  • Monday 04 January '21 show notes

    • How the Supreme Court set up the authoritarian takeover of America
    • Trump Isn't Our Biggest Problem: It's the Authoritarian Fascist Movement He's Launched
    • Civil Rights Groups Fight Back Against Georgia's Voter Purges - Greg Palast, The Guardian / Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / His new book, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters
  • Trump Isn't Our Biggest Problem: It's the Authoritarian Fascist Movement He's Launched

    Thom plus logo Pundits across the American political spectrum are wringing their hands about the fate and future of the "dirty dozen" Republican senators challenging Biden's election.

    One of the most widespread stories about their motivation is that they're "afraid of Trump" or are "worried about being primaried." Both ideas are wrong.
  • How the Supreme Court set up the authoritarian takeover of America

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump's phone call to Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is the latest illustration of his lifelong criminality. Over the last 40 years, career criminals like Trump have increasingly moved out of the business world and the streets and into politics, something for which we can thank the Supreme Court.

    There are, among us, a small number of individuals who are career criminals. They have literally spent their entire lives skirting or outright breaking the law, and not only believe the law doesn't apply to them, but actually delight in getting away with their crimes.
  • Trump's indifference and racism kills 1 in 1,000 Americans

    Thom plus logo Covid has now killed 1 in 1000 Americans in less than a year.

    How is it that in Australia it's 3 out of every 100,000 people, and in New Zealand it's 1 out of every 200,000 people, but here in America we're dropping like flies?

    Chalk it up to Republican racism and a libertarian indifference to the notion of society.
  • Wednesday 23 December '20 show notes

    • If Conservatives Aren't Stupid...What Are They?
    • The Stimulus Isn't a Stimulus and the Pardons Aren't Pardons...They're Scams!! Thom Explains...
    • Anything Goes...What's On Your Mind? Thom Takes Your Calls...
  • Tuesday 22 December '20 show notes

    • If the 25th Amendment Isn't Invoked...What Will Trump Do Next?
    • A Nurse Cries For Help...
    • Conversations With Great Minds: Ralph Nader - Ralph Nader, Consumer Advocate/Lawyer & Author of numerous books...his latest book w/ Mark Green, Wrecking America: How Trump's Lawbreaking and Lies Betray All / Founder of numerous organizations including the Center for Study of Responsive Law & also the Public Interest Research Group (P.I.R.G.) of the Ralph Nader Radio Hour podcast
  • If the 25th Amendment isn't invoked, what will Trump do next?

    Thom plus logo TS Eliot famously said that the world will end "not with a bang, but a whimper." It's also how strongman dictator reigns typically end, and Trump is no exception. He's having his "Downfall bunker moment," and it could be very dangerous.
  • Monday 21 December '20 show notes

    • The Soulless Sellout GOP Must Reform Itself Or Die...
    • Big News Out of Georgia...! - Greg Palast, The Guardian / Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / His new book, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters
    • Is NASA Working on Space Based Nuclear Power? - Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist - Beyond Nuclear
  • The soulless, sellout GOP must either reform itself or die

    Thom plus logo The Republican coronavirus relief negotiating position, over the past six months, tells you everything you need to know about why the modern GOP is so corrupt it needs to be rebuilt from the ground up or die.

    First, Democrats in the House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act, with $3 trillion for unemployed Americans, small businesses, and state and local governments. Republicans said that was too much money for average Americans, and refused to even hold a vote in the Senate.

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