
  • We're All in Mourning For Our Way of Life. How Are You Working Around it?

    Thom plus logo While we're all experiencing shock and anger at how Trump has created a crisis in America by lying and procrastinating and grandstanding, there's a larger emotion that's reaching deep into the lives of many of us: Grief.
  • Monday 30 March '20 show notes

    • Mad King Trump Angers the God
    • If Only 100,000 Americans Die Trump Thinks He "Did a Great Job"...WTF?!
    • Thom vs. Marc Scribner, CEI - When Should the Government Move to Protect Americans? Is Saving Business More Important Than Saving Lives? - Marc Scribner, Senior Fellow & Transportation Policy Expert - Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI)
    • The Stimulus Bill & the Social Security Tax...What It Means - Alex Lawson, Executive Director - Social Security Works
  • If Only 100,000 Americans Die Trump Thinks He "Did a Great Job"

    Thom plus logo On January 20, the United States and South Korea both diagnosed their first patient with the coronavirus. South Korea immediately begin testing their population and started a nationwide program of social distancing.
  • Friday 27 March '20 show notes

    • Anything Goes Friday...What's On Your Mind? Thom Takes Your Calls
    • Trump's Latest Abominable Gaff...
    • Issues of the Day - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, U.S. Congressmember (D-WA, 7th District) & Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus / Senior Whip-Democratic Caucus & serves on multiple committees including the House Budget Committee & the House Judiciary Committee
    • Kushner (& Now Trump) Covid Response? 'We Don't Need Ventilators...'

  • Coronavirus Crash: Worse Than Great Depression?

    Thom plus logo The coronavirus crash has turned the fact that we don't make anything in America anymore from a topic for philosophical and political debate into a crisis in our hospitals causing people to die and endangering our frontline health care workers.
  • Thursday 26 March '20 show notes

    • What Happens When Mobsters Run the Country?
    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • The Economy, the Stimulus & 3.3 million Laid Off - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Understanding Marxism / Understanding Socialism
    • Warning to Pandemic Profiteers - Peter Maybarduk, Director - Public Citizen's Global Access to Medicines Program & a Human Rights Lawyer
    • Boris v Trump & Brexit or Breathing?! - Victoria Jones, Executive Director - DC Radio Company LLC
  • What Happens When Mobsters Run the Country?

    Thom plus logo Donald Trump spent years hanging out and doing business with mobsters and people associated with them. His lawyer, Roy Cohn, was the chief lawyer for the biggest mobster in New York City, and the Italian mob had infiltrated the New York construction and real estate business. Now Trump's mobster tendencies are bubbling to the surface.
  • Wednesday 25 March '20 show notes

    • What's Next On Trump's List? Turning Grandma & Grandpa Into Soylent Green...???
    • Curtis Ellis Vs Thom - Did Democrats Load Up Bill Like a Left-Wing Goodie Bag? - Curtis Ellis, Policy Director - America First Policies
    • Hunkering Down With Green Energy... - Ty Benefiel, Co-Founder & CEO - Hero Power /Meter Genius (green energy brokers) and Host - The Climate Pod (podcast)
  • Is Next On Trump's List To Turn Grandma and Grandpa Into Soylent Green?

    Thom plus logo Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick of Texas has said, essentially, that old people should be willing and enthusiastic to patriotically die so that Trump can put the economy back into gear. Apparently he didn't get the memo that most of them will die in a hospital, clogging up our healthcare system and infecting our healthcare workers.
  • Tuesday 24 March '20 show notes

    • WHY??? America Deserves An Answer...
    • Republicans Always Want As Few People As Possible To Vote... And Here You Are Again!! - Thom vs. Jason Snead, Executive Director - Honest Elections Project / Former Senior Policy Analyst-Heritage Foundation
    • Profits Or People?!
    • The Corona Virus Makes A Powerful Case for Boosting Our Social Safety Net - Katrina vanden Huevel, Editorial Director & Publisher - The Nation Magazine

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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