Friday 6 May '11 show notes
May. 7, 2011 2:43 pmBy SueN- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). If it's Friday, it's "Brunch With Bernie".
- John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine.
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Did the US snatch victory from the clenched hands of Osama's dead body? 2 May '11
May. 6, 2011 6:08 pmBy SueNSo Osama Bin Laden is dead...what does this mean?
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Are Republicans in TN on the verge of legalizing Bribery? 29 April '11
May. 6, 2011 5:53 pmBy SueNRepublicans in Tennessee are on the verge of legalizing political corruption.
Thursday 5 May '11 show notes
May. 6, 2011 5:31 pmBy SueN- That's NOT who we are!
- Jamie Weinstein, Deputy Editor-Daily Why are we giving tax breaks to billionaire yacht owners?
- Les Rayburn, Political Realist and Highly Decorated Combat Veteran serving in every conflict since Vietnam. Torture was used to get intel on Bin Laden and it should be works.
- Paul Gunter, Director, Reactor Oversight Project - Beyond Nuclear.
Wednesday 4 May '11 show notes
May. 6, 2011 5:12 pmBy SueN- John Nichols, Washington Correspondent - The Nation Magazine. Bin Laden, Cheney, Recall, oh my...
- Ryan Streeter, Editor - Conservative Home USA. Are liberals really the "secret enemies" of the poor?
- Dennis Knowles, Benton Harbor City Commissioner.
The “Deathers” over at Fox News who think Bin Laden is still alive…or was frozen – are on their own
May. 6, 2011 8:17 amBy louisehartmannAl-Qaeda acknowledged today that their leader is dead. An Internet statement posted on several Islamic militant websites read, “Osama bin Laden, God bless him, ... will not go in vain…We will remain, God willing, a curse chasing the Americans and their agents…their happiness will turn to sadness."
That’s Not Who We Are
May. 5, 2011 9:25 amBy louisehartmannNo-go on the death photos. President Obama has decided not to release photos of Bin Laden’s dead corpse saying - in an upcoming 60 Minutes interview – "It is important to make sure very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool…We don’t need to spike the football…We don't trot out this stuff as trophies."
Daily Topics - Thursday May 5th, 2011
May. 5, 2011 9:14 amBy shawnt56Get the new IPhone App for Thom Hartmann
Truthout proudly presents weekly installments of Thom's bestselling book "Unequal Protection"
Hour One: That's not who we are!
Tuesday 3 May '11 show notes
May. 4, 2011 6:10 pmBy SueN- Has Barack Obama shattered George Bush's legacy?
- Mike Ervin, Activist w/ADAPT (national grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action). Holding a sit in (thru Wednesday 5/4) to protest Paul Ryan's budget plan.
- Dr. Arthur C. Caplan, Director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania / author.