Vouchers vs. Public Schools - Is Education a Right or a Privilege?
May. 26, 2011 9:46 amBy louisehartmannThe New Jersey state Supreme Court told Governor Chris Christie he is in violation of the state’s constitution with his massive cuts to education. That state constitution requires the state to, “provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of free public schools for the instruction of all the children in the State...”
Daily Topics - Thursday May 26th, 2011
May. 26, 2011 9:36 amBy shawnt56Get the new IPhone App for Thom Hartmann
Hour One: NY-26 election results...a referendum on Republican budget? David Selig, True Tax Help
Hour Two: "Where's the Birth Certificate?" Really?! Dr. Jerome Corsi
Wednesday 25 May '11 show notes
May. 26, 2011 8:19 amBy SueN- Robert LeClair, Selectman - Town of Wrentham, MA. New MA bill says: "No sex for you!"
- Clint Bolick, author of the new book "Death Grip: Loosening the Law's Stranglehold Over Economic Liberty". When will conservatives realize we need more trade regulations to bring our jobs back to America?
- Nancy Bearg, Sabbatical Sisters.
Will Paul Ryan shut down the 2012 election for Republicans?
May. 25, 2011 9:23 amBy louisehartmannDemocrats scored a huge political victory last night – taking New York’s 26th district – adding another Democratic seat to the House of Representatives. The seat was previously held by Republican Chris Lee until he was busted taking topless photos of himself to solicit women on craigslist. Despite the fact that only three Democrats have ever held the seat since 1857 – and Republicans led by Karl Rove and the Chamber of Com
Daily Topics - Wednesday May 25th, 2011
May. 25, 2011 8:58 amBy shawnt56Get the new IPhone App for Thom Hartmann
Hour One: Getting divorced? New bill says "No Sex for You" - Robert LeClair, Selectman Wrentham, MA
Tuesday 24 May '11 show notes
May. 24, 2011 6:00 pmBy SueN- Dr. Charles Dunn, Regent University Distinguished Professor of Government. Is there a civil war in the GOP?
- Is Glen Beck no different than the "End of the World" rapture guy?
- Leo Gerard, President, United Steelworkers (USW).
Monday 23 May '11 show notes
May. 24, 2011 5:09 pmBy SueN- Dave Nalle, National Chair, Republican Liberty Council. Not all conservatives want to extend the patriot act...
- David Vines, founding member - Autonomous Solidarity Organization. Latest War on the war on Labor.
- Joel Rubin, National Security Network, and Salam Al-Marayti, Muslim Public Affairs Council. How should the U.S.
Daily Topics - Tuesday May 24th, 2011
May. 24, 2011 9:12 amBy shawnt56Get the new IPhone App for Thom Hartmann
Hour One: Is there a civil war in the GOP? Dr. Charles Dunn, Regent University
Hour Two: New date for the rapture...? / Plus, has Glenn Beck become a doomsday profit?
Hour Three: "Manufacturing decline puts economic/national security at risk" - President Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers
American can no longer label tuna products as “dolphin safe”
May. 24, 2011 8:11 amBy louisehartmannIf you thought our government was in charge of making laws – think again. It turns out the World Trade Organization is telling us what to do. Yesterday – the WTO took a bite out of US sovereignty – ruling that American can no longer label tuna products as “dolphin safe.” Why? Because such labeling could restrict the purchase of certain foreign tuna products – thus limiting “free trade” in America.