Friday 5 August '11 show notes
Aug. 6, 2011 8:41 amBy SueN- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). "Brunch With Bernie".
- Rep. Mark Pocan, State Rep (D-WI, 78th District). ALEC Exposed in New Orleans.
- Shelly Moore, English Teacher and a board member of the Wisconsin Education Association Council. "Taking Our Country Back".
- Graeme Zielinksi, Communications Director, The Democratic Party of Wisconsin.
Mainstream Media Ignores S&P Attack On Republicans
Aug. 6, 2011 7:52 amBy louisehartmannHave you seen, anywhere, in any media, or even heard reported or repeated on NPR, the following sentence? “We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act.”
Thursday 4 August '11 show notes
Aug. 5, 2011 7:42 pmBy SueN- Gregory Conko, Competitive Enterprise Institute. With more people dying from poisonous food, shouldn't we beef up FDA regulations?
- Professor James Gilligan, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at New York University. Why Some Politicians Are More Dangerous Than Others.
- Geeky Science rocks! Earth once had 2 moons.
- Lisa Graves, Executive Director-Center for Media and Democracy.
Constitution doesn’t say, “We the millionaires…”
Aug. 5, 2011 9:10 amBy louisehartmannIt’s good to be a millionaire in America. A new report from the Center for American progress shows that millionaires are paying – as a share of their income – 25% less in taxes than they were in the mid 1990’s – 25% less! But that’s not all – according to data from the IRS – in 2009 – 1,400 millionaires paid absolutely no taxes at all. So just like some of the biggest transnational corporations in the world like GE a
Daily Topics - Friday August 5th, 2011
Aug. 5, 2011 6:42 amBy shawnt56The Big Picture "On Air" Questions or Comments for Thom?
"Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!"
Hour One: "Brunch With Bernie" - Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) takes your calls
Can you afford food tasters to make sure what we’re about to eat is actually safe?
Aug. 4, 2011 9:42 amBy louisehartmannPeople who eat food are screwed. Giant, transnational agribusiness corporation Cargill announced yesterday that it is recalling 36 million pounds of contaminated ground turkey – that has killed at least one person and sickened 76 others across 26 states. Cargill is just now announcing the recall even though the outbreak started back in March. Coincidentally – back in June – House Republicans passed legislation that g
Daily Topics - Thursday August 4th, 2011
Aug. 4, 2011 9:14 amBy shawnt56The Big Picture "On Air" Questions or Comments for Thom?
Hour One: With more people dying from poisonous food, shouldn't we beef up FDA regulations? Greg Conko, Competitive Enterprise Insitute
Wednesday 3 August '11 show notes
Aug. 3, 2011 6:36 pmBy SueN- Revealed...The Tea Party take over you didn't know about!
- Professor Richard Wolff, Economist/Professor. The debt deal and the economy...what's next?
- Max Blumenthal, Journalist / Author. Meet the Right-Wing Hatemongers Who Inspired the Norway Killer.
- WI State Rep. Fred Clark, (D-WI, District 14).
Tuesday 2 August '11 show notes
Aug. 3, 2011 5:39 pmBy SueN- Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY). Debt deal...moving forward, "Jobs Are the Answer".
- Nancy Nusbaum, Democratic candidate for State Senate (D-WI, 2nd District). Taking Our Country Back...Wisconsin Recall Elections.
- Bill O'Shaughnessy, Coalition for a Prosperous America and Manufacturing. Free Trade is killing American jobs.
- Robert Reich, Former Secretary of Labor-Clinton Administration.
Monday 1 August '11 show notes
Aug. 3, 2011 5:27 pmBy SueN- Latest on the debt ceiling deal and what it means.
- John Nichols, The Nation Magazine. Did Republicans just win the debt deal?
- Sandy Pasch, Democratic candidate for Wisconsin State Senate District 8.