
  • Thursday 29 July '21 show notes

    • America's 4th Turning Has Arrived — Which Path Will We Take?
    • We're Still In Danger From Trump and His Extremist Supporters...
    • What will be the impact on America if the 3.5 infrastructure is passed or defeated? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work / Author of numerous books - his latest is The Sickness is the System (now also available as an e-book)
    • Why the U.K. Numbers Don't Apply to America...
    • Wildfires in the Arctic & the Looming Climate Catastrophe - Dr. Jason Box, professional physical climatologist, studying Arctic climate since 1994 / Danish Geological Survey for 8 years supporting numerous climate monitoring activities
    • 14,000 scientists warn of "untold suffering" if we fail to act on climate change
  • Wednesday 28 July '21 show notes

    • How Will America Respond To Alarming New Info About the Delta Variant?
    • The GOP "Freedom" Scam Laid Bare
    • Was January 6th a Coup Or a Protest Out of Control? - Philip Rucker, Senior Washington Correspondent - Washington Post / Co-Author w/Carol Leonnig, I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year (they previously penned, A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump's Testing of America. Both Philip and Carol are Pulitzer prize recipients for their work at the Post
    • Have We Entered a New Phase of Climate Change? - Dr. Michael Mann, Distinguished Professor of Meteorology & Director, Earth System Science Center-Penn State University / Member-National Academy of Sciences / author of several books including including his latest just out, The New Climate War / (previously, The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy) / Recipient of the Tyler Prize
    • What Do You Do About the #1 Cable - Fox-So-Called News - Supporting Jan 6th and Are Anti-Democratic?
  • Tuesday 27 July '21 show notes

    • Coverage and comments from Jan 6 hearings
    • Today's 1/6 hearing, Trump holdovers at the DOJ and voting rights - Eric Holder who formerly served as 82nd Attorney General of the United States (2009 to 2015 - 3rd longest serving U.S. A.G.) / Currently, Partner - Covington Law Firm
    • Hawley's "Love America Act" Is All About Hate
    • Processing today's hearing...Thom's take and your calls
  • Monday 26 July '21 show notes

    • America is Suffering from an Epidemic of Political Bullying
    • How Does America Defend Itself from the Death Cult Grifters?
    • Covid Passports and Herd Immunity - Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, Epidemiologist & Health Economist / Adjunct Senior Fellow - Federation of American Scientists
    • Should We Have Compassion or Disgust for Anti-Vaxxers That Are Dying?
  • Friday 23 July '21 show notes

    • Trump's Supreme Court Crime Spree...
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Anything Goes Friday...What;s On Your Mind? Thom Takes Your Calls...
  • Thursday 22 July '21 show notes

    • Why Are the Anti-vaxxer GOP Now Telling Folks to GET Vaccinated?
    • Healthcare Parasites Are Sucking Americans Dry...
    • Will the Next Financial Crisis Be Caused By Climate Change?
    • Did Fox News Violate the Covid-19 Consumer Protection Act? Dean Obeidallah filed a complaint with the FTC Dean Obeidallah, Host of Dean Obeidallah show weekdays 6-9PMET @SXMProgress Radio Ch127/Columnist-The Daily Beast
    • Flint Water Crisis CoverUp - Jordan Chariton, CEO/Reporter, Status Coup
    • His Two Solutions To Save America... - Senator Bernie Sanders, U.S. Senator (I-VT) / 2 time U.S. Presidential Candidate / Chair of the Senate Budget Committee
  • Wednesday 21 July '21 show notes

    • National Progressive Townhall Meeting - Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Thom vs. Julio Rivera - Why can't America say "This time you are staying home, not us." - Julio Rivera, Editorial Director - Reactionary Times / Contributor - Newsmax, American Thinker &
    • Can America Go from Empire to "Good Neighbor?"
    • Crazy Alert: Why does the Bezos Rocket Look Like...well, THAT?!
    • Politics and the Digital Divide - It's Worse Than You Think... - Yosef Getachew, Media and Democracy Program Director - Common Cause
    • Which State Says - You Can't Teach the Ku Klux Klan is "Morally Wrong"...?
  • Tuesday 20 July '21 show notes

    • The GOP Delivers More Crime to America
    • In the Short Term, How Do We Deal With Ongoing Crime?
    • Everything You Need to Know About the Texas Anti-Voter Legislation - Lala Wu, Co-Founder & Executive Director - Sister District (Former enviro & clean energy lawyer)
    • U.S. Cannibals in Haiti - Greg Palast, The Guardian / Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy / His new book, How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America's Vanished Voters
  • Monday 19 July '21 show notes

    • The Only Two Buckets are Democracy & Autocracy...
    • Here's What Authoritarians Love to Buy & Use...
    • If People Who Believe in Democracy Don't Hold the Autocrats Accountable...the Autocrats Will Win...Think About It
    • How Do We Stop the Ron #deathsantis Death Cult? - Rachel Bitecofer, Founder - Strike Pac / Contributor - The Cycle - On Substack & Pod Host - The Election Whisperer @RachelBitecofer
    • Why Aren't We Treating the Trump Terrorists Just Like Any Other Terrorist?
    • America Is Tired Of Waiting For Gun Reform...
  • Friday 16 July '21 show notes

    • When Does the Greed Stop?
    • Progressive Town Hall - Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • The American Rescue Plan is Going to the Wealthy
    • Anything Goes Friday

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