Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?
Dec. 6, 2017 3:06 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...Can the President be convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors while sitting in office? If Mueller finds something, will Republicans call for impeachment?
Tuesday 5 December '17 show notes
Dec. 6, 2017 8:50 amBy SueN- Show LIVE from Social Security Works
- Alex Lawson, Social Security Works: LIVE from Social Security Works
- Dave McCulloch, National GOP Strategist: LIVE from Social Security Works
- Greg Simon, Biden Cancer Initiative: LIVE from Social Security Works
GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of
Dec. 5, 2017 3:23 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...There are some folks who say, well, this is all brand new, right? This Republican tax scam and all this kind of stuff.
Monday 4 December '17 show notes
Dec. 5, 2017 8:19 amBy SueN- Show LIVE from Our Revolution HQ in Washington, DC.
- Larry Cohen, Board Chair-Our Revolution: LIVE from Our Revolution HQ in Washington, DC
- Nina Turner, President-Our Revolution: LIVE from Our Revolution HQ in Washington, DC
- Sam Adaramola, Our Revolution: LIVE from Our Revolution HQ in Washington, DC
- Basia Alonso, Our Revolution: LIVE from Our Revolution HQ in Washington, DC
Net Neutrality RIP: Essential Parts of America's DNA - Independence and Privacy - Are About to Be Destroyed
Dec. 4, 2017 2:51 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...
It's a way bigger deal than the way the internet works.Without network neutrality - the ability of individual citizens to get and share the information they want with a modicum of privacy and anonymity - the American Revolution wouldn't have happened. Maybe that's why the Trump administration wants to kill net neutrality now.
Friday 1 December '17 show notes
Dec. 3, 2017 1:45 pmBy SueN- Even Conservative Groups Warn Against Raising the Corporate Tax Rate
- Karen McKim, Wisconsin Election Integrity: Exposed...Election Malfeasance in Wisconsin
- Anything Goes Friday! Thom Takes YOUR Calls...
Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!
Dec. 1, 2017 3:09 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...What happens when billionaires install their government at the highest levels of the United States? This is THE question that nobody seems to be asking and frankly nobody's answering.
Thursday 30 November '17 show notes
Dec. 1, 2017 1:10 pmBy SueN- Trump...Madman Or Mussolini?
- What Happens When Billionaires Are Empowered by SCOTUS to Own a Political Party?
- Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work/Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown: How Big Business Pulled Off the Biggest Scam Ever
- Is Impeachment Becoming More Real?