November 2013

  • Monday 21 October '13 show notes

    • David Selig, Conservative Commentator & Pro-Business Advocate: Conservative goes off on Obamacare
    • How the Tea Party crashed the Obamacare website
    • Nicole Sandler hosting: Thom Hartmann Program / Randi Rhodes Show simulcast
    • Let the Dysfunctional Plantation-Based Red States Secede
    • Shane Farnan and Danielle Guilday of the Thom Hartmann Program guest host for the last 10 minutes.
  • Friday 18 October '13 show notes

    • Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear: Another leak at Fukushima?
    • Tom Weis, Ride for Renewables: Help stop the KXL pipeline!
    • Anything Goes Friday
  • Thursday 17 October '13 show notes

    • The Tea Party Cost us $24 Billion for What??
    • William Gladstone, The Power of Twelve: Everything You Know is Wrong...about the # 12?
    • Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio: What madness lurks in the Tea Party brain?
    • Professor Peter Morici, Newsmax: the debt deal winners & sore losers...
    • Geeky Science - where would we be without plants?
  • Wednesday 16 October '13 show notes

    • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
    • What's a Good Name for Corporate Welfare Queens?
    • Alan Weisman, Countdown: Our last best hope for a future on earth...
  • Tuesday 15 October '13 show notes

    • Dennis Prager: The Tea Party...definitely not your parent's GOP
    • Tommy Christopher, Will Obama 'Delay Obamacare for a Year If Republicans Would Agree to Delay Heart Attacks for a Year?
  • Monday 14 October '13 show notes

    • Columbus raped the redskins...time to change the name
    • Larry Klayman, Conservative Attorney & Activist: The Radical Tea Party...
    • David Swanson, Journalist/Activist/Author: War No More: The Case for Abolition
  • Harry Reid goes nuclear!

    Yesterday, majority rule finally returned to the U.S. Senate. After five years of Republican obstruction, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid invoked the so-called “nuclear option,” with 52 Democrats voting to reform the filibuster. Since President Obama took office, Republicans have used the filibuster more than any other time in our history.

  • The JPMorgan settlement is a scam!

    On Tuesday, the Justice Department announced that JPMorgan has agreed to a $13 billion dollar settlement over the fraudulent sale of mortgage backed securities. But, that settlement is a fraud in and of itself. Four billion dollars of that figure was actually part of a settlement announced a month earlier, and the rest can hardly be considered a penalty against the big bank.

  • We must take back our Justice System!

    Yesterday, the Supreme Court issued their first ruling of the term, refusing to block a new abortion law in Texas. That law imposes strict building standards on abortion clinics, blocks abortions after 20 weeks, and requires doctors that perform the procedures to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their facilities.

  • Is coal gasification coming to the US?

    Our nation has seen the dangers of coal mining and drilling for natural gas, but few of us have heard of coal gasification. That's because it's a highly dangerous process of creating synthetic natural gas, by setting coal on fire and injecting it with oxygen and water. And, if an Australian energy company has their way, Americans may become very familiar with this dangerous process.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

Thom Hartmann has written a dozen books covering ADD / ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

Join Thom for his new twice-weekly email newsletters on ADHD, whether it affects you or a member of your family.

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