September 2013

  • Tuesday 22 January '13 show notes

    • GOP has to rig elections to win
    • Jamie Weinstein, The Daily Caller / Co-Author (w/Will Rahn) "The Lizard King": Big government vs. Reaganism
    • A.G. Eric Schneiderman, Attorney General-State of New York (D-NY): Sunlight for the SuperPACs?
    • Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH): Jobs, Trade and the Debt Ceiling...
  • Monday 21 January '13 show notes

    • Anything Goes - Inauguration Day / MLK, Jr. birthday / 3rd anniversary - Citizens United
  • Friday 18 January '13 show notes

    • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
    • Tommy Christopher, Happy 'Gun Appreciation Day Eve'
    • Anything Goes on Townhall Friday
  • Thursday 17 January '13 show notes

    • Impeach Obama Over Gun Control!
    • Stephanie Miller, Host-The Stephanie Miller Show: Stephanie Miller: Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour
    • Jamie Weinstein, The Daily Caller / Co-Author (w/Will Rahn) "The Lizard King": Economic vampire CEO's want raise retirement age to 70...
    • Geeky Science Rocks - the universe and your brain
    • Dr. Michael Greger, Humane Society of the United States / Author of "Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching": Could a super bird flu escape from the lab?
  • Wednesday 16 January '13 show notes

    • Should the NRA be exploiting Obama's children...
    • Dr. Lance Wallnau, Founder-Lance Learning Center: Only Christians need apply...
    • Would you become a vegan if it would save the world?
    • Dr. Cornel West, Professor-African American Studies, Princeton University / Philosopher & Author "Brother West: Living & Loving Out Loud" AND "The Rich and the Rest of Us: A Poverty Manifesto" / Co-host, the Smiley & West radio program / featured speaker at "Vision for a New America": Poverty in America
  • Tuesday 15 January '13 show notes

    • Returning vets get low wages & poor benefits
    • Emily Wismer, Independent Women's Forum: Nevermind the fiscal cliff, the fiscal is about to hit...
    • RNC Election Rigging...the ONLY way to win?
  • Monday 14 January '13 show notes

    • Debt ceiling...will Obama call the GOP's bluff?
    • General Stanley McChrystal, Retired United States Army General / former Commander of the International Security Assistance Force and Commander of United States Forces Afghanistan / Author, memoirs "My Share of the Task": McChrystal on drones, guns and...groupies
    • Nicole Gelinas, Searle Freedom Trust Fellow at the Manhattan Institute / City Journal: Should we the people help each other out when disaster strikes?
    • Aaron Swartz...symptom of an over reaching police state?
  • Opposition to a strike in Syria is mounting.

    According to top administration official, President Obama will not strike Syria without Congressional approval. During an interview on NPR, Deputy National Security Adviser Blinken said, “the president has the authority to act,” even without congressional approval, but added, “it's neither his desire nor intention to use that authority absent [of] Congress backing him.” And, that approval is looking less and less likely.

  • Daily Topics - Thursday September 5th, 2013

    Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE 3-6pm ET M-F!

    Hour One: Brunch With Bernie (special Thursday edition) - Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) takes your calls

    Hour Two: Syria...public doesn't support U.S. invasion - Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio / Plus, Geeky Science - Cooperation breeds...success!

  • There's an international showdown happening in Russia!

    The G20 summit in Russia is officially underway, and it's being dubbed an international showdown. Although G20 summit typically focuses on the global economy, this year's event is being dominated by the potential U.S. strike in Syria. Tensions between President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin have mounted over possible military action, and tensions don't appear to be easing any time soon.

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