September 2013

  • Tuesday 5 March '13 show notes

    • Steve Deace, Nationally syndicated conservative talk radio host: Conservatives DO love Big Government...
    • Dr. L. Randall Wray, "Modern Money Theory": Why has the dollar depreciated so much since the 70's?
    • Why is Obama taking advice from a secretive billionaire?
  • Monday 4 March '13 show notes

    • Swiss ko fatcats...ok paycuts...will we?
    • Elliot Richardson, Small Business Advocacy Council-Chicago, IL: ain't seen nothin' yet
    • Dead fish, Banksters and the Sherman Act...
    • Julie Gunlock, Women for Food Freedom Project / Independent Women's Forum: Time to ban "Big Sugar?"
  • Friday 1 March '13 show notes

    • Dana Siegelman, Daughter of former AL Governor Don Siegelman / Activist: March for Civil Rights and Justice for Don Siegelman
    • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
    • Anything Goes on Townhall Friday!
  • Thursday 28 February '13 show notes

    • Lance Roberts, StreetTalk Advisers: Isn't the Sequester proof that Government creates jobs?
    • Mike Papantonio, Attorney & Host-Ring of Fire Radio: Should Scalia take off his black robe & put on his white hood?
    • Geeky Science- Did monkeys invent margaritas?
    • It's 1948 Again....Wake Up!
  • Wednesday 27 February '13 show notes

    • Shane Farnan, Supreme Court Reporter-Talk Radio News Service: Has the Supreme Court become the new monarchy?
    • David Bier, Competitive Enterprise Institute: Big Brother is watching...
    • Chris Calabrese, Legislative Counsel on privacy issues-ACLU: Big Brother is watching...
    • Warren vs. Bernanke: too big to fail...?
  • Tuesday 26 February '13 show notes

    • Meet your new teacher - Ayn Rand!
    • Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Manhattan Institute, former Chief Economist of the U.S. Dept of Labor: The real reason conservatives want Obama to give up on green energy
    • Bush V Gore - took away your right to vote!
  • Monday 25 February '13 show notes

    • Carrie Lukas, Independent Women's Forum: Why do conservatives hate pre-school?
    • Dr. Stephanie Kelton, University of Missouri-Kansas City / New Economic Perspectives: Should we move to a new monetary system?
  • Friday 22 February '13 show notes

    • Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH): National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, Jobs & Democrats' plan to avoid sequestration
    • Joe Madison, Host-The Joe Madison Show: Conversation w/the President re: Sequestration & Voting Rights Act
    • Anything Goes on Townhall Friday
  • Thursday 21 February '13 show notes

    • John Fugelsang, Actor, Comedian & host-Viewpoint on Current TV: Fox News: 5 against 1...?
    • Harry Veryser, Professor of Economics-University of Detroit Mercy / Author-It Didn't Have to Be This Way: Why Boom and Bust is Unnecessary -- and How the Austrian School of Economics Breaks the Cycle: Profits up, pay down and no raise for you...what's wrong with this picture?
    • Myrna Perez, Senior Counsel-The Brennan Center: Will the Supreme Court dismantle our vote?
  • Wednesday 20 February '13 show notes

    • You've met the meet the Simpson-Bowlers
    • Kay Hymowitz, Manhattan Institute / Author, "Manning Up": Equal pay...equal paid leave?
    • Clifford "Cliff" May, Foundation for Defense of Democracies: 10 yrs since the invasion of Iraq (3/19)...time to charge Bush/Cheney with war crimes yet?

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