August 2013

  • Friday 29 June '12 show notes

    • Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT): "Brunch With Bernie"
    • Anything Goes on Townhall Friday
    • Mark Taylor-Canfield, Occupy Seattle: Report from Occupy Seattle
  • Thursday 28 June '12 show notes

    • David Lyle, Courts Matter, Media Matters for America: What SCOTUS means to ObamaCare
    • Shane Farnan, Talking Left: SCOTUS ruling on ObamaCare
    • Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL): SCOTUS & ObamaCare
    • Today's Supreme Court never should have happened
    • Ron Pollock, Families USA: SCOTUS & ObamaCare
    • Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL): Supreme Court Obamacare ruling, Fast and Furious conspiracy theory
  • Wednesday 27 June '12 show notes

    • What has Obamacare done for you?
    • John Nichols, The Nation Magazine: Who is secretly funding Voter ID laws?
    • Stephen Moore, Wall Street Journal, co-author, "End of Prosperity" and "Return to Prosperity": Why are the Republicans holding jobs hostage again?
    • Who is the real extreme party?
  • Tuesday 26 June '12 show notes

    • The most important question is not being asked in this election...
    • Phil Kerpe, American Commitment / Author, Democracy Denied: The real job killer is "NOT" raising minimum wage...
    • Obamacare...are we "all" in this together or not?
  • Daily Topics - Tuesday August 20th, 2013

    Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE 3-6pm ET M-F!

    Hour One: Rep. Kucinich calls for a parade for Snowden - Congressman Dennis Kucinich / Plus, is your cell phone a suspicious object or your papers?

    Hour Two: The GOP plan to get young people to resist Obamacare...

  • It's time for the masses to be represented in Congress.

    This won't come as a surprise to many of you, but unless you are an bankster or a billionaire, you're not being represented in the United States Senate. According to a new study published in Political Research Quarterly, Senators in the last five Congresses have consistently voted to benefit their wealthy constituents. And, those votes virtually ignored the political will of everyone except those at the top.

  • Monday 25 June '12 show notes

    • Shane Farnan: Scalia turns history & the constitution upside down...
    • Daniel Halper, Weekly Standard: Is preventing prison rape too costly & heavy handed?
    • Will a broke U.S. sell ad space on the dollar bill soon?
    • Congressman Charles Gonzalez (D-TX, 20th District): SCOTUS rules on AZ SB-1070
  • Daily Topics - Monday August 19th, 2013

    Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE 3-6pm ET M-F!

    Hour One: Another reporter arrested for...reporting?! Matt Rothschild, The Progressive Magazine

    Hour Two: Are shoplifting and parking violations "miniscule?"

    Hour Three: What you need to know about Obamacare - Wendell Potter, Deadly Spin

  • Buying congress people isn't paying off for Big Business.

    It turns out that Republican obstructionism is quite costly for big business. A new report from the Huffington Post found that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce isn't getting much return for the $69.5 million dollars they invested in Republican candidates in the last two elections. In fact, Republicans have blocked many of the measures that the Chamber supports, and supported many efforts that the Chamber opposed.

  • No one is watching the watchers...

    It's not like we needed any more proof, but documents released by Edward Snowden show that the NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times every year. According to an internal NSA audit obtained by the Washington Post, there were nearly 3,000 incidents of unauthorized collection, storage, access to, or distribution of legally protected communications between 2011 and 2012 alone.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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