Hey GOP... In case you hadn't noticed, YOU LOST!!
Dec. 4, 2012 8:19 amBy louisehartmannSomeone needs to remind Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner and his Party that they lost the election in November. On Monday, House Republicans presented their proposal to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff and – as you’d expect – it’s a giant kick in the gut to working Americans.
Daily Topics - Monday December 3rd, 2012
Dec. 3, 2012 10:41 amBy shawnt56Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE M-F from 3-6pm ET!
Hour One: We found Reagan's welfare queen...
Hour Two: We put an end to the fast poisoning of Americans...now, how about the slow poisoning? Julie Gunlock, Independent Women's Forum
Hour Three: 1956 Republicans vs. 2012 Republicans...which direction?
Is fracking responsible for killing off an alarming number of livestock around the nation?
Dec. 3, 2012 8:38 amBy louisehartmannAuthors of a new report looked into 24 different case studies in six different states where hydraulic fracking is taking place, to find out why livestock is getting sick and dying. Their conclusion: it’s the fracking chemicals! For example in Louisiana, the study found 17 cows that died after being exposed to spilled fracking chemicals for only one hour.