Monday 9 January '12 show notes
Jan. 14, 2012 5:46 amBy SueN- Thom live from Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Lilja Mósesdóttir, Economist and member of parliament. Economy & progressive politics.
- Brynja Halldórsdóttir, Former chairperson of the Young Leftist-Greens. Liberal politics & the EU.
- Gunnlaugur Snær Ólafsson, Chairman of The Conservative Society of Iceland.
Thursday 5 January '12 show notes
Jan. 13, 2012 5:07 pmBy SueN- Tyson Slocum, Public Citizen's Energy Program. How did the worlds biggest gas guzzler become the biggest exporter of...gas?!
- Dr. Robert Jeffress, First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Will Evangelicals "settle" for Mitt Romney?
- Doc Hendley, "Wine To Water". Changing the world one drop at a time.
- Jamie Weinstein, The Daily Caller.
Is Government by "Hostage Taking" Over?
Jan. 13, 2012 8:21 amBy louisehartmannThe days of the Tea Party controlling Congress may be numbered. Congressional aides are suggesting that Speaker of the House John Boehner is planning to work around his Tea Party members and negotiate with Democrats on a deal to extend the payroll tax cut when Congress reconvenes later this month.
Daily Topics - Friday January 13th, 2012
Jan. 13, 2012 7:18 amBy shawnt56Please welcome Sam Seder, of Majority Report & Ring of Fire Radio in for Thom today
Hour One: "The Bain of Capitalism" - Robert Reich
Hour Two: Day of action for MLK's birthday - "Occupy the Dream"
Is America a nation in the midst of a class war?
Jan. 12, 2012 7:40 amBy skepticalscottMore Americans think the nation is in the grips of class warfare than ever before. According to a new Pew Research Center survey – two-thirds of the nation believes there are “strong” conflicts between the rich and the poor in America – that’s an increase of 19-points since 2009. Across all demographics – white, black, Hispanic – and across all political affiliations – Republican, Democrat, and Independents – as well as across all clas
Daily Topics - Thursday January 12th, 2012
Jan. 12, 2012 7:09 amBy shawnt56Thom is live from Stockholm, Sweden
Hour One: Will the Republican attacks on Romney insulate him in the Fall from Democratic Bain attacks?
Hour Two: Thom talks politics with Rick Falkvinge-founder of Sweden's Pirate Party movement
Hour Three: Thom discusses Swedish/American politics with Lasse Lundeberg-Journalist & expert commentator
Are Republicans redistributing massive amounts of money to the top 1%?
Jan. 11, 2012 8:06 amBy skepticalscottBetween all the debates, the interviews, and the campaign ads – doesn’t it seem like the Republicans candidates only care about helping rich people? That’s because that IS all they care about. According to a report by the Citizens for Tax Justice – which examined all the tax cut plans proposed by the candidates – the average tax cut for the 1% is 270 times greater than the tax cuts being proposed for the middle class. Not only th
Daily Topics - Wednesday January 11th, 2012
Jan. 11, 2012 6:10 amBy shawnt56Please welcome progressive strategist & syndicated columnist Karl Frisch in for Thom today
Hour One: Thom checks in from Sweden / Plus, Election 2012 - New Hampshire Primary results...what's next? / And, the latest on Occupy the Courts - Steve Justino, Move to Amend
What will be the results of the New Hampshire primary?
Jan. 10, 2012 7:46 amBy skepticalscottIt’s primary day in New Hampshire – and the votes are already being counted. Two New Hampshire communities – Dixville Notch and Hart’s Location – have a tradition of casting ballots at midnight – and out of 22 votes cast – Mitt Romney has a very, very early lead with 7 votes – Ron Paul has 5 – and Jon Huntsman has 4. Romney is expected to win big in New Hampshire – or at least he was before he inexplicably went on a tirade yesterday ab