Could Hactivists Choose Lady GaGa for next President of the United States?
Sep. 28, 2011 8:04 amBy louisehartmannAs Hactivists out a cop in New York for brutally macing peaceful protestors on Wall Street, many people are wondering if they could also hack our next election?
Daily Topics - Wednesday September 28th, 2011
Sep. 28, 2011 5:53 amBy shawnt56Join me Oct. 3 to 5 - I'll be "live" noon-3p ET at the Take Back the American Dream conference — at the FSTV EStudio - Come say Hi!
Hour One: Has flying become a nightmare?
Hour Two: Is America's health care system about to bottom out?
Hour Three: "Time for Outrage" - Stéphane Hessel
Goldman Sachs rules the world...
Sep. 27, 2011 8:12 amBy louisehartmannAre the banksters fueling a global market meltdown? Heads turned yesterday – when stock trader Alessio Rastani went on the BBC and predicted that the Eurozone is going to crash within the next twelve months – and that a lot of banksters will make a fortune off it. "This problem cannot be solved,” Rastani said.
Daily Topics - Tuesday September 27th, 2011
Sep. 27, 2011 7:50 amBy shawnt56Join me Oct. 3 to 5 - I'll be "live" noon-3p ET at the Take Back the American Dream conference — at the FSTV EStudio - Come say Hi!
Hour One: Correcting Peter's fallacies on jobs and taxes - Peter Ferrara, Heartland Institute
Hour Two: Why Is TV Suddenly Overstuffed With Buxom Bunnies, Sexy Stewardesses, and Charlie's Angels? Julianne Escobedo Shepherd, Alternet
Daily Topics - Monday September 26th, 2011
Sep. 26, 2011 8:15 amBy shawnt56Join me Oct. 3 to 5 - I'll be "live" noon-3p ET at the Take Back the American Dream conference — at the FSTV EStudio - Come say Hi!
More Evidence the Psychopaths have taken over?
Sep. 26, 2011 6:50 amBy louisehartmannNot only is Governor Rick Scott killing jobs in Florida – he’s also bragging about it. Speaking at a CPAC conference last Friday – Scott touted his record of laying off public sector workers. With an unemployment rate at 10.7% - way above the national average – Scott said, “We’ve had plenty of success so far…we have 15,000 less government jobs in the state of Florida.” Upon hearing that – his audience cheered – whic
Transcript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Hartmann: Here's what UnAmerican really is! 1 September '11
Sep. 25, 2011 3:47 pmBy SueNTranscript: Thom Hartmann: The Big Picture: Hartmann: Republicans misread the 2010 election. 31 August '11
Sep. 25, 2011 1:08 pmBy SueNThis handsome man is Senator Charles Grassley, also known as Chuck Grassley.
Friday 23 September '11 show notes
Sep. 24, 2011 5:28 pmBy SueN- Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). "Brunch With Bernie".
- Franco Ripple, Florida Young Democrats.