February 2008

  • Transcript: David Horowitz: 13 February 2008

    Thom challenged David Horowitz about the removal of the President from William and Mary College by the political right - the very campus Thomas Jefferson attended. He asked him if the "political correctness right" has turned into a brown shirt movement? David blamed the left for the existence of the Christian Right, claiming there wasn't a Christian Right until Roe v. Wade became law. Thom politely reminded him that there's always been a Christian Right; they used to be called the Ku Klux Klan, and before that it was the Puritans hanging women as witches in Massachusetts in the 1600s!

  • On the Program Today - Feb 15th 2008

    Thom is "live" from KJFK Reno, Nevada with Anything Goes! Friday

    Senator Bernie Sanders www.sanders.senate.gov Topic: "Brunch with Bernie" 1st hour as always....

    Thom Hartmann today at 5 p.m. - Borders Books, Music, Movies & Cafe, 4995 S. Virginia St. Reno

  • Thom Hartmann's Blog - Feb 14th 2008

    This morning I had a debate with Carrie Lukas, Vice President of Policy and Economics with the Independant Women's Forum, about their "Take Back the Date" college campus campaign to "rescue romance from the radical feminists and their hook-up culture." I countered that the "hook up" culture is nothing new...Ben Franklin talked about it. Further, the 60's free love generation hurt women more than helped them. Carrie insists that Valentine's Day has become known as V-Day due to the presentation of the "crude" play "The Vagina Monologues." I pointed out that this is a play to make people aware of violence against women. I further asked Carrie if she supports sex education in the schools...Carrie says it's up to parents to control what kids learn and where they learn it.

  • February 14 2008 show notes

    Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

  • On the Program - Feb 14th 2008

    Hour One - Guest: Carrie Lukas www.iwf.org Topic: It's Valentine's Day - Thom challenges Carrie on her "Take Back the Date" campus campaign to "rescue romance from the radical feminists and their hook-up culture"

    Guest - Congressman John Conyers www.house.gov/conyers Topic: Conyers Introduces Contempt Resolution, Call for Lawsuit against White House

    Hour Two - Guest: Rabbi Shmuley Boteach www.shmuley.com/home.php Topic: His new book "The Broken American Male and How to Fix Him"

    Hour Three - Guest: Christy Harvey www.americanprogress.org Topic: News Under the Radar

  • February 13 2008 show notes

    • Guest: David Horowitz. Right Wing Brings Down Progressive College President.
    • Obama's and Hillary's remarks after yesterday's primaries.
    • FISA bills.
    • Guest: Michael O'Hanlon. When will conservatives acknowledge victory in the Iraq war and talk about ending the occupation?
    • Guest: John Pinkston. Is American headed for a "One World Government"?

    Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

  • Thom Hartmann - Feb 13th 2008

    This morning I challenged David Horowitz about the removal of the President from William and Mary College by the political right...the very campus Thomas Jeffereson attended. I asked him if the "political correctness right" has turned into a brown shirt movement? David blamed the left for the existence of the Christian Right...claiming there wasn't a Christian Right until Roe v.Wade became law. I politely reminded him that there's always been a Christian Right...they used to be called the Ku Klux Klan. ..and before that it was the Puritans hanging women as witches in Massachusetts in the 1600s!

  • Transcript: Paul Hannam: "The Magic of Groundhog Day". Feb 01 2008

    Thom talked to Paul Hannam about his book, "The Magic of Groundhog Day" and how we can get out of the ruts we are in and become more happy.

  • On the Program - Feb 13th 2008

    Hour One - Guest: David Horowitz www.horowitzfreedomcenter.org Topic: Right Wing Succeeds In Campaign To Bring Down Progressive College President - Thom will be asking David - Has the "political correctness right" turned into a "brown shirt" movement?

    Hour Two - Guest: Michael O'Hanlon www.brookings.edu Topic: Iraq war - When are conservatives going to acknowledge victory in the war and talk about ending the occupation?

    Hour Three - Guest: "Everything You Know is Wrong" John Pinkston www.watchamerica.com Topic: Is American headed for a "One World Government."

  • February 12 2008 show notes

    Topics, guests, upcoming events, quotes, links to articles, audio clips, books & bumper music.

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