Transcript: Barbara Honegger, "October Surprise", Apr 25 2006
Apr. 25, 2006 12:00 amBy Thom Hartmann A...Vice President Dick Cheney has hired Iran-Contra arms dealer and discredited intelligence asset Manucher Ghorbanifar as his "man on the ground" in Iran. Barbara Honegger wrote about him in her book, "October Surprise: Did the Reagan-Bush election campaign sabotage President Carter's attempts to free the American hostages in Iran?"
The Second Bill of Rights: FDR's Unfinished Revolution and Why We Need It More Than Ever
Apr. 18, 2006 5:00 pmBy Thom Hartmann A...Book by Cass R. Sunstein
Review by Thom Hartmann, originally published at on April 19, 2006.
Transcript: Laurie David, film "Too Hot Not to Handle", Apr 17 2006
Apr. 17, 2006 12:00 amBy Thom Hartmann A...Laurie David is the executive producer of the new documentary, which is about global warming. It is focused on the United States and features Tom Potter and the City of Portland. Hybrid vehicles. Flex fuel cars. Renting cars.
Transcript: Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, "Coyote Wisdom", Apr 14 2006
Apr. 14, 2006 12:00 amBy Thom Hartmann A...Dr. Mehl-Madrona is a medical doctor and psychiatrist with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology who has written three books about Native American wisdom, story, practices and ritual; "Coyote Medicine", "Coyote Healing", and "Coyote Wisdom". The stories that we live contribute to our health and disease. The role of ceremony and ritual.
Transcript: James Balog, National Geographic, trees, Apr 07 2006
Apr. 7, 2006 12:00 amBy Thom Hartmann A...James Balog is a photographer with National Geographic. His latest book is "Tree: A New Vision of the American Forest". America has 95% deforestation across the country at large; people have forgotten. Shifting to coal and oil has reduced cutting of forests, but the new young forests are different to the old, and have less ecological value. The reintroduction of wolves.
Transcript: Trade policy rant, Apr 05 2006
Apr. 5, 2006 12:00 amBy Thom Hartmann A...Thom riffed on, "are our trade policies, international trade policies, threatening the survival of this nation?" China's holding of American debt. The difference between the budget deficit and the national debt versus the trade deficit.