The newsletter is moving
Dear friend
Tomorrow, the Thom Hartmann Newsletter is changing and upgrading our email distribution system.
For many years, we have used Constant Contact as the distribution system. From tomorrow, we are moving across to a system called Substack.
The difference is mostly cosmetic, and you will still receive the newsletter email each day, Monday to Friday, a few hours after the live program ends.
In a few days' time, we will add a new email BEFORE the program, which will highlight topics Thom expects to cover. This is something many of you have asked for over the years and soon you will see the program plan in advance.
Thank you very much for your support of the Thom Hartmann Program, whether that has been for the past few days since you joined us, or for more than 15 years since we started the weekday newsletter.
Best wishes
-Thom |
Thom's blog
What is Humanity's True Salvation?
 We must abandon our simplistic Cartesian worldview and stop thinking that somebody or something (or some as-yet-undeveloped technology) will save us… It is, quite literally (and to paraphrase Dickens), the best of times and the worst of times. Technological wonders abound, from our ability to look billions of years back in time through the depths of interstellar space to the creation of entirely new forms of life and artificial intelligence. At the same time, our world is in crisis. A new report shows, for example, ice levels at both the north and south poles have disintegrated to the point where the human race is now facing inevitable sea level rise that will, at the least, become civilization-altering, since the majority of humans on the planet live near seacoasts.Marvels and dangers, opportunities and threats, awe and hubris. This dichotomy is amplified by two thought poisons embedded deeply in most of the cultures of the developed world and together, if not recognized and modified, they threaten to kill us, or at the very least hinder us from creating a world that works for all life (including us).Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
Threshold: The Crisis of Western Culture: Chapter 10 — Caral, Peru: A Thousand Years of Peace
"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind … War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today."
—John F. Kennedy
"When you realize how small the earth is in relation to the cosmos, and how small we are in relation to the Earth, then you can understand the appropriate place of humans in relation to the Earth. These people looked up at the stars and understood this. We look at the earth too much and miss the big picture, the stars. We must see a larger view if we are to live in peace."
– Dr. Ruth Shady
Thom's blog
Saturday report - Geeky Science! Powering your house with your electric car? We've figured it out!
 The Best of the Rest of the News — How the Murdaugh trial illustrates privilege in America. — Fascists on the move. — Leaked audio is showing the crimes of railroad management, while bribes abound. — Investigative reporter Greg Palast tells me that Georgia's Governor Brian Kemp is raising large amounts of money as if he's running for president. — How do we fix the FBI? — Crazy Alert! Apparently Marjorie Taylor Greene got the memo: Russia is on the verge of offering free land to American conservatives who want to live in a country run by a strongman dictator where it's a crime to be gay, lesbian, or trans. — Geeky science! Want to power your house with your electric car? Read more at -Thom
Monday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: In for Thom today
- Jefferson Smith, Host - Democracy Nerd podcast...
What is a conservative? Is Donald Trump still relevant to "true" conservatives? PLUS, Fresh Start Monday...What Do You Want to Get a Fresh Start On?
Poem: " Monday" by Billy Collins.
Hour Two: Is Fox News the Biggest Threat to American Democracy?
Hour Three: How Can We Do Better? PLUS, Speed Round...!
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
Jefferson Smith will be in for Thom
He'll be talking with Grace Adcox, Polling Analyst, Data for Progress about Biden's State of the Union and Social Security polling
And, the best of the rest of the news along with your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program, Occupying The Media 3 hours a day 5 days a week for "we the people"
And don't forget...Democracy is NOT a spectator begins with you...
Watch & Listen to Thom
Why Don’t the Rich Pay Into Social Security? w/ Rep. Mark Pocan
Shouldn’t The Economy WORK for US?
Is the FBI Working for the Far Right?