Thom's blog
What Will Happen To Everyone Who is Not White, Straight, & Male If We Don't Speak Out?
 Fascists always start by declaring themselves the victims of others. Victimhood is essential to the fascist worldview; it's at its core. Today's Republican Party, intentionally or unwittingly, is following a script. Pastor Martin Niemöller's famous poem begins with, "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist." But, in fact, first they came for the queer people.A year before Nazis began attacking union leaders and socialists, a full five years before attacking Jewish-owned stores on Kristallnacht, the Nazis came for the trans people at the Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin.In 1930, the Institute had pioneered the first gender-affirming surgery in modern Europe. It's director, Magnus Hirschfeld, had compiled the largest library of books and scientific papers on the LGBTQ spectrum in the world and was internationally recognized in the field of sexual and gender studies.Being gay, lesbian, or trans was widely tolerated in Germany, at least in the big cities, when Hitler came to power on January 30, 1933, and the German queer community was his first explicit target. Within weeks, the Nazis began a campaign to demonize queer people — with especially vitriolic attacks on trans people — across German media.Read more at -Thom
Friday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: What Will Happen To Everyone Who is Not White, Straight, & Male If We Don't Speak Out?
Tweet: " 1. Two years ago, in October 2016, Donald Trump said: "Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks, to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global interest powers, her special interest friends, and her donors."" by Yoni Appelbaum.
It's Anything Goes Friday!
How the Murdaugh trial shows off privilege in America
Pregnant refugee women are on the run in the US
Quote: " It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It" - Upton Sinclair.
Hour Two: Russia appears to have a plan to attract 7 million conservatives - Does it appear to be working?
Jim Crow is Alive and Well in Mississippi
It looks like the WI supreme court is using antisemitism to win
Hour Three: Leaked audio is showing a very ugly side of rail management
Quote: " No one's being jailed for practicing her religion. Someone's being jailed for using the government to force others to practice her religion." - Rachel Held Evans.
Monday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
Jefferson Smith will be in for Thom
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Is The GOP Calling For Transgender Genocide?
Will The Rich Make You Work ‘Til You Die?
Why Russia Didn't Attack on Anniversary of War w/ Phil Ittner
The GOP is Offering One Thing…A Torn Apart America