Thom's blog
Does Fox "News" Merit Criminal Prosecution for Sedition or Reckless Endangerment?
 And, if so, what about the hundreds of other Republican politicians and news sites who went along with and echoed Trump's lies, knowing full well they were not true? When Alex Jones lied hundreds of times on the air about the families of the children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the families of those dead children — suffering from harassment by Jones' followers and tortured by his claims that they were "crisis actors" — successfully sued for damages. But nobody died — at least among the families who sued Jones — because of his lies. Which is why he was sued civilly by the families but not charged criminally by local, state, or federal authorities. The "You can't yell ‘Fire!' in a crowded theatre" exception to the First Amendment's free speech protection usually applies to safety, to the potential or actual loss of life, and is — with justification — a very high bar to prove. Read more at -Thom
Tuesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Does Fox News Merit Criminal Prosecution for Sedition or Reckless Endangerment?
Did McCarthy put party over America by handing Jan 6th video to Tucker?
Crazy Alert! America now has a secessionist on the Homeland Security Committee- are we safer?
Article: " Minsk" by Wikipedia.
Is religion learning from the far right wing that "the ends justifies the means?"
Will the MI GOP become extinct or just more fascist like Florida?
Hour Three: It's costing us peanuts to defend Ukrainian democracy and kick Putin's ass
Desantis and GOP embraces fascism over democracy - now you know where he stands...
Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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Did Free Market Experiments Make YOU Poor? Featuring Charles Sauer
Arrest Fox News! Sedition & Reckless Endangerment? Crimes Against Democracy?
Is the GOP Too Nasty To Win 2024? Featuring David Frum
The Rich Hooked America on the Free Market Myth Featuring Naomi Oreskes