The Best of the Rest of the News
— Budgets reflect policy priorities, and the GOP is now telling us what they're really all about: hunger for poor people, low taxes for billionaires, and to hell with students in debt.
— If you agree that "God has called Christians to exercise dominion over all areas of American society" then you're in alignment with 54 percent of all Republicans, according to a new poll from the Public Religion Research Institute in association with the Brookings Institution.
— First they came for American history, now they're coming for science.
— Should the new GOP "Fair Tax" should be renamed the "Billionaire Wel-Fair Tax?"
— Railroad companies paid off Republican politicians for the Trump administration to block safety rules before the Ohio 150-car train derailment and fireball explosion.
— Saudis sentence an American to 19 years in a hellhole prison over a tweet.
— In Good News — The Church of England is considering the question: must God be a man?