Thom's blog
Are Republicans Facing a Branding Crisis?
 The GOP's deepest brand is white, straight, authoritarian, wealthy & religiously fundamentalist. Their vulnerability is these can be re-cast as bigoted, homophobic, fascistic, greedy & hypocritical… Institutionally, Republicans know how to brand, or at least did until recently. Democrats don't appear to, and haven't for decades. The result is that Republicans have established a 40-year-long stable and largely consistent brand (at least until recently) while — because Democrats haven't invested in their own brand — the GOP has also succeeded in branding Democrats.So, what is branding, how does it work, and why should progressive Democrats take it seriously as soon as possible?Read more at -Thom
Friday's Daily Stack 
Hour Two: Putin's Mein Kampf- Greg Palast, Investigative Reporter / Author & Filmmaker - latest film is "Vigilante: Georgia's Vote Suppression Hitman" - produced by Martin Sheehan & George DiCaprio. Narrated by Rosario Dawson 
It's Anything Goes Friday!
Are Republicans Facing a Branding Crisis?
The text of DeSantis' higher education bill has been released. It's terrifying.
Quote: " Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past." - George Orwell, 1984.
Hour Three: Democrats honor Blue Slips while Republicans don't!
What is America going to do about it's white Supremacist problem?
Speaking of the white supremacists - Trump's white supremacist dinner date put on No Fly List after threatening to strangle flight attendant
Quote: " Say anything you like about me, but spell my name right" - P. T. Barnum.
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GOP Speaker Sneaks Jan 6th Evidence To Tucker Carlson?
Is Putin's Ukraine Invasion Really About Homophobia? Featuring Greg Palast
Is Nicky Haley White Washing White Supremacy - Featuring Dean Obeidallah