Thom's blog
Is America Blind to Trump's Genocide?
 When the media discovered most of the people dying from Covid were Black or Hispanic, not White people - It hit conservative media and Donald Trump like a lightning bolt. The most unreported story of the pandemic, the one that seems destined to be overlooked as histories are being written, is what Trump did when he learned the Covid coronavirus was largely killing Black people and mostly sparing Whites. The moment he came to that realization he completely altered the US response to the pandemic, leading to the unnecessary death of 300,000 to 400,000 Americans.Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
Solutions to America's Voting Crisis
Part III: Solutions"The Electoral College is a disaster for a democracy"—Donald J. Trump "If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair"—Shirley Chisholm, America's first black woman elected to US Congress The GOP's Grand Stand against Voting and DemocracyThe idea of democracy is simple: issues are put to voters, each person gets one vote, and whatever position gets the most votes becomes law. Our country was not established as a direct democracy, though, and citizens aren't given an affirmative right to vote in the US Constitution; the issue is placed in the hands of our "laboratories of democracy," the states.
Thom's blog
Saturday Report 12/10/22 - Trump wasn't that bad...other than when he was...
The Best of the Rest of the News — Did Kyrsten Sinema switch from Democrat to Independent to become a well-paid lobbyist? — Jack Smith is not messing around... — Trump wasn't that bad...other than when he was — German police break up a Qanon/Trump-inspired plot to overthrow their government — What have the Kushners done? — A decade ago, anti-government terrorist gangs in Haiti shot up electrical substations in three cities — Oregon's state epidemiologist is pleading for all to wear masks right now. — Geeky Science! How insanely destructive sugar is to the body. Read more at -Thom
Monday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Is America Blind to Trump's Genocide?
Tweet: " For the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government. Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect...." by Donald J. Trump.
Tweet: " Virologist and sexy vixen vinyl expert @brithume hypothesizes that the lethality of COVID–19 could be exaggerated and "the disease turned out not to be quite as dangerous as we thought"" by Bad Fox Graphics.
Article: " Leadership" by U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
MTG and Bannon brag they would have succeeded on Jan 6th with arms...treason?
Hour Two: Musk sends the far right after Fauci as Fauci blast cowards harassing his wife & children
Tweet: " I'm a big fan of Dr. Fauci and how he's calmly guided our country through crisis. Re Musk tweet? Courting vaccine-deniers doesn't seem like a smart business strategy, but the issue is this: could you just leave a good man alone in your seemingly endless quest for attention?" by Amy Klobuchar.
Is Kushner in YUGE trouble?
Law: " Logan Act", 1799 - forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments having a dispute with the U.S.
Geeky Science! Can a fusion breakthrough boost clean energy?
Hour Three: Voters want Congress to raise taxes on big corporations, not cut them- Frank Clemente, Executive Director - Americans for Tax Fairness 
Anti-ACLU group is working hard to make sure white people stay in control
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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And don't forget...Democracy is NOT a spectator begins with you...
Watch & Listen to Thom
Voters Demand Congress Raise Taxes on Big Corporations Featuring Frank Clemente
Can Trump Be Charged With Genocide?
How the Jan 6th Committee Can Still Prosecute Trump
Can Net Neutrality Bring Back Democracy?
The Real Reason Kyrsten Sinema Switched Parties