Thom's blog
The Danger of the Rich & Powerful Man-Bubble
 All these rich and powerful men think they're "secret geniuses"; once they've concluded the "truth" of their own infallibility, they stop listening to those whose opinions contradict their own. It was a mistake a flock of geese wouldn't make. It was a mistake nature and evolution have designed against in all animal life. But a small group of humans keep making it over and over again, and our Supreme Court has made the situation far, far worse. There's a reason Donald Trump just came out against the United States Constitution, and it's not because he's simply a fascist or that the guy he paid to show up for his classes in prep school and college didn't fill him in on civics. It's the same reason he publicly had dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes instead of, as when he was in the White House, keeping his dinners with Mark Zuckerberg and others who helped him win the White House in 2016 private.Trump has now made the same mistake Napoleon made, the same mistake Hitler made, the same mistake Putin made when he invaded Ukraine. It's the mistake the business press says Elon Musk is making, as did Sam Bankman-Fried, and Mike Lindell.Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
The Beginnings of a Myth: Voting Fraud
 Sunday book excerpt: The Hidden History of the War on Voting. For over a century, most states used biometrics to verify voter identity. Signatures done in front of a witness are nearly impossible to fake (unlike IDs, which can be easily faked). Polling place workers would compare the original registration signature with the signature of the person signing in to vote, and if they didn't match, the worker would disqualify the voter. When the Motor Voter Act was passed in 1993, not a single state required proof of citizenship to vote, and there was no national problem of voter fraud. The threat of a few years in jail is more than enough to discourage even the most ardent partisan from trying to double-vote or fraudulently vote. Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
Saturday Report 12/3/22 - We now know why Zebras have stripes - Ain't nature amazing?
 The Best of the Rest of the News. — Is Bidenomics Working? Sure looks that way. — Speaking of those rail workers, the administration's proposed 7 sick days would have cost the railroads $321 million a year. — The 11th Circuit Court has finally told Trump that he's not above the law. — Will Putin face a worldwide tribunal for his crimes against humanity in Ukraine? — New bipartisan Senate study shows we're still failing to confront "the persistent and lethal" threat of white supremacist terrorists within the United States. — Has Alabama brought back debtors' prison? — Geeky Science! How about a roof full of solar panels to go with that new electric car? — Crazy Alert! Why would evolution put stripes on zebras instead of something looking more like camouflage? Read more at -Thom
Monday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Who do you support running for democratic prez in 2024?
How the Jan 6th committee can continue...
The Danger of the Rich & Powerful Man-Bubble
Hour Two: Have you started trashing Trump yet?- Julio Rivera, Editorial Director - Reactionary Times / Contributor - Newsmax, American Thinker & 
Was Moore County power cut by Jan 6th terrorists to stop drag show?
Is the greatest threat to Trump. not Desantis, but someone else?
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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The Shocking Reason the GOP Is Done With Trump Featuring Julio Rivera
Are Algorithms More Dangerous Than Nuclear Weapons?
Why Some People Want Alone Time
The Media Ignored Blatant Efforts to Suppress the Democratic Vote in Georgia?