Thom's blog
Why are We Surprised Barr Covered-Up Trump's Treason When He Did the Same for GHW Bush & Reagan?
 The corruption of our justice system is a cardinal characteristic of fascism, which is what Trump and — it turns out, Barr — were actively trying to do to America. That was in the '80s and early '90s, but now we discover that Bill Barr really, truly, definitely also lied to America about presidential treason this decade. Shocking.Mueller laid out 10 prosecutable incidents of Donald Trump committing felony obstruction of justice, all to cover up the assistance he was seeking and receiving from Russian oligarchs and the Russian government that ultimately helped him win the 2016 election. Looking back now, seeing the actual documents from the time, Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson noted that Barr's lies to the American people, to Congress, and to federal judges were “so inconsistent with evidence in the record, they are not worthy of credence.â€In other words, Barr lied through his teeth.Read more at -Thom
Tuesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Why are We Surprised Barr Covered-Up Trump's Treason When He Did the Same for GHW Bush & Reagan?
My New Book - The Hidden History of Neoliberalism - I'll explain....
Hour Two: The Profiteers Behind the Culture War- Matthew Cunningham-Cook, Reporter - The Lever 
Article: " CNN" by Wikipedia.
Desperate Cultist Trump Reaches Out to Embrace Murderous Cult
Explosive in-depth investigative report into private religious schools in NY -- serious neglect, violence and abuse?- Naftuli Moster, Founder - Yaffed / Community leader & expert on children's rights and education equity about private religious schools in NY 
Article: " Chabad" by Wikipedia.
Quote: " When the president does it, that means it is not illegal" - Richard Nixon.
LSD & Neoliberalism...Is there a connection?- Phil Proctor, founding member of Firesign Theater Comedy Troupe  - Ted Bonnitt, Podcast Host / Producer - HINDSIGHT podcast  - Together they host Phil & Ted's Sexy Boomer Show. Thom's interview today on Phil & Ted's Sexy Boomer Show will be aired on KPFK 3pm PT today (and again 6:00am on Saturday the 16th)
Hour Three: Will "Fetal Personhood" Lead To a Nation-wide Ban on Abortion?
Quote: " The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the anti-war left and black people. We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting people to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, break up their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." - John Ehrlichman.
Tweet: " The front page #OTD in 1989. President Bush holds up a bag of cocaine at Lafayette Park, and proposes to spend $7.9 billion in the War on Drugs, in his first televised speech to the nation. #nytimes" by New York Times OTD.
Are The Feds Going After the Fake Electors First?
Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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New Law Could End Nationwide Abortion Rights & You Can't Stop It!
Corruption Shouldn't Surprise Us! Barr Covered Up Bush & Reagan Crimes Too
Can The Collapse of Neoliberalism Bring Crisis & Opportunity?