Thom's blog
Putin, Trump, and Le Pen are Cashing In on the Collapse of Neoliberalism
 Neoliberalism has failed - The question is whether we'll return to sane & humane economic policies & ban big money from politics or if we'll embrace the authoritarian policies of Putin, Trump & Le Pen. A bit over 40 years ago the UK and the United States — followed within a few years by most of the rest of western Europe — embarked on a radical experiment in governance and economics. "Neoliberalism" was the word invented by a small group of utopian economists at a 1938 meeting in France, and it was turned into a movement at a 1947 meeting in Mont Pelerin, Switzerland. At that time the world had been shaken by the rise of Communism in the Soviet Union (and China) and the disaster Fascism brought to Germany and then all of Europe. The hope of neoliberalism's founders was that it would prevent the rise of both communism and fascism in the developed democracies of the world: a sort of magic formula for governance that would keep the world safe and free forever.Read more at -Thom
Tuesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Putin, Trump, and Le Pen are Cashing In on the Collapse of Neoliberalism
How the corporate media whittles away at democracy
Article: " April 11, 2022" (The media IS rooting against Biden, with links) by Heather Cox Richardson.
Hour Two: And...Why Is It not OK to be a unicorn if you are a child?
Small Penis Club Alert - Trumpster complains he can't build a "very cool" ghost gun
Racism Alert! Penn Law professor Amy Wax tells Tucker Carlson that "Blacks" and other "non-western" groups harbor "resentment, shame, and envy" against western people for their "outsized achievements and contributions." But wait... There's more....
Hour Three: The state of black America- Marc H. Morial, President & CEO - National Urban League / Former Mayor of New Orleans, LA (1994 to 2002) 
Why isn't the media asking - Is the Saudi sweetheart deal really just a payout to Kushner for services?
Youth center is locking up children for 23 hours, no lights, no exercise - Who are we?
Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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How The Black Vote is Under-Siege (w/ Marc H. Morial)
Is the Media Anti-Liberal?
How Will America React to Trump's Crimes