Thom's blog
Can't You See that the Overthrow of the Entire Planet's "Liberal Order" is their Goal?
 The GOP does have a vision for America and beyond, as does the media aligned with them -- If you want to see that vision, look no further than the Eastern European nation of Hungary. The GOP has a vision for America and the rest of the "liberal" world. Yes, in 2020 they abandoned altogether even the idea of having a Party platform, and appear about to do the same for 2024, but they do have a vision.Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
Will America Be Torn Apart Again By Wealthy White Men?
 Or will we avoid the horrors of Americans killing each other in another futile effort to protect wealth gained by evil and destructive business practices, this time in service of fossil fuels? Read more at -Thom
Tuesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Can't You See that the Overthrow of the Entire Planet's "Liberal Order" is their Goal?
Tweet: " Trump wants to do here what Orban has done in Hungary: weaken democratic institutions, curb press freedom, and rewrite election laws to entrench his own party's power. The threat to our democracy could not be clearer, and we must act boldly to protect it. [link]" by Bernie Sanders .
Tweet: " CPAC is going to Budapest. Mike Pence was just in Budapest talking about his hopes for the Supreme Court outlawing abortion. Tucker Carlson embraced Orban and his anti Semitic fascist state on Fox prime time. Why are they all going to Hungary? What magnetic force is drawing" by Steve Schmidt.
Is Trump Just the "Warm Up" Act?
Hour Two: Media Watchdogs Warn Networks Against Uncritical Airing of 'Big Lie' Trump Event
Tweet: " My suggestions. * No build up, no count down, no empty podium awaiting his arrival * Don't carry it live; disinformation risk too high * After it's over, sift for any genuine news and report it * Do not amplify familiar lies and distortions; they've all been fact checked already" by Jay Rosen.
Quote: " The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." - John Kenneth Galbraith.
The Big Biz Fascism Slide Is Continuing at Breakneck Speed....
Hour Three: Will America Be Torn Apart Again By Wealthy White Men?
Crazy Alert! Is Melania Trump Selling Off Her Stuff Because She Needs the Money?
Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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January 6th: One Year Since Trump's Attempted Coup
Do You Have What It Takes To Fight Fascism?
How long Until Texas Burns Books?
Anti-Vaxxer's New Conspiracy: Nurses Are Witches - But Wait There's More...
Why Does Media Bias Still Favor Trump Over Biden?
Why Right-Wing Women Raise Their Sons as 'Monsters'