If Angela Merkel has governed Germany for 16 years as a "conservative," there are probably a lot of Americans ready to adopt the label.
headline at Fox "News" blares:
"German Elections: Big Setback for Merkel's Conservatives as Center-Left Party Comes Out on Top." In a single sentence, it summarizes everything wrong with how American media and the American public understand what "conservative" means.
In America, conservatives don't want
women to get abortions and some conservatives are even proposing the death penalty for women who succeed in aborting a zygote or fetus. Angela Merkel's "conservatives"
offer abortions to women in the first three months of pregnancy at no cost (if low-income) and with no excuses. A woman must meet with a state-approved "counselor" to essentially get a prescription for the abortion, a remnant of Germany having outlawed abortion in 1871 and doubled-down during Hitler's time, but that's it. And the meeting to get the prescription, the law says, must be, "An open-ended consultation that encourages the woman to keep the child while at the same time not persuading her." No ultrasound wand rapes, no gory movies to watch, no multiple visits, no bounties on people who help.