When everybody is vaccinated like Denmark, Fox "News," and Israel, we can all be as "free" of disease in the workplace as Tucker Carlson - and wouldn't that be a good thing!
Tucker Carlson has some serious freedom that most Americans would love to also have.
I'm not talking about the economic freedom he got from being born a multimillionaire trust-fund-baby heir to the Swanson Frozen Food fortune; his freedom to promote weird, racist conspiracy theories every night on TV
ad nauseum; or even his white privilege freedom to drive down the street and not fear getting pulled over or killed by a racist cop.
I'm talking about his freedom to do his job every day in a Covid-free environment. Tucker's got it, big time, and most Americans would love to have it, especially those who have to deal with the public.
Fox "News" is one of the American workplaces that absolutely mandates that their employees must be vaccinated to work there or they will make life pretty miserable for you.