Bush & Cheney have gotten away with lying us into two wars & wildly enriching their friends; meanwhile, more people are dead & the media won't even ask the right questions. Will we ever learn?
The big question in the media today is, "Will Afghanistan again become a 'breeding ground' for terrorists who may again attack America?" It's the wrong question.
We've all heard that question asked, in a dozen variations, probably a hundred times in the past few months in the media. And it's not just the wrong question: it strengthens the GOP frame that lets George W. Bush off the hook for many of his worst failures and crimes.
Afghanistan had little to nothing to do with 9/11.It's time to put this tired and deceptive canard to bed. The 9/11 attacks were
not planned, hatched, developed, funded, practiced, expanded, worked out or otherwise devised in Afghanistan. That country and its leadership in 2001, in fact, had pretty much nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.