Thom's blog
Trump Devotees Still "Drinking the Kool Aid" in Obedience to His Orangeness
 Jim Jones was a piker. Trump has him totally beat. For every person who listened to Jones and died from cyanide, 438 people died because they listened to Trump and didn't take Covid seriously. Representative Jackie Spears got it right, and she should know. Back in 1978, Spears – then a 28-year-old aide to Congressman Leo Ryan – flew down to Guyana to investigate reports that Reverend Jim Jones was stealing money from his parishioners and subjecting them to horrors ranging from rape to beatings and public humiliation to "rehearsals" for mass suicide. Reverend Jones didn't take kindly to their showing up and ordered them all killed. Representative Ryan, another aide, and 3 reporters were all shot dead; Jackie Spears was, for 22 hours, left for dead on the airport tarmac with 5 bullets in her. Read more at -Thom
Thursday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Trump Devotees Still "Drinking the Kool Aid" in Obedience to His Orangeness
Article: " Jim Jones" by Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Article: " QAnon" by Wikipedia.
Tweet: " NEW--> GOP Congressman on bipartisanship: We want "18 more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done" [video]" by Lauren Windsor.
Are the Republicans Trying to "Claim" Christianity - Has Reagan's Embrace of Christianity Killed it?
Article: " Deism" by Wikipedia.
Gerry Gilmore
Hour Three: The Moment "Business" Was Invited Into Politics - Fascism Began...
Geeky Science - How Will the Deaths of 1 Billion Marine Animals Affect Us?
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Trump Devotees Still "Drinking the Kool Aid"
Is Health Insurance Run By Organized Crime (w/ Rep. Mark Pocan)
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Secret GOP Chaos Plan Exposed
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