We should not have a two-tier justice system like this in the United States; America should hold the rich to the same level of accountability as the rest of us.
Bill Cosby got the Rich Man’s Deal.
Seriously. The
only reason Bill Cosby is out of jail right now is because initially prosecutors offered him a civil settlement that allowed him to pay for his crimes financially rather than by going to prison. And they only did that because he was rich enough to pay.
That prosecutor, who then went on to become one of Trump’s lawyers and promoted Trump’s "big lie" about the election, essentially acted as an agent for some of the women Cosby raped, to extract millions of dollars from Cosby on their behalf in exchange for a promise not to put him in jail.
Then, when the public-opinion blowback became severe as the "Me Too" movement was gathering steam, that prosecutor’s office broke his promise and went ahead with a criminal prosecution, which was why the Pennsylvania Supreme Court let Cosby go free. Prosecutors can’t make deals and then go back on them when public opinion hits them.